Qt 5.5.0 problem running examples [SOLVED]
After install QT 5.5.0 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (launching the downloaded file "qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.5.0-2.run"), first thing I tried to compile one of the enclosed examples. I began with "analogclock", but the following error appeared:
"GL/gl.h: No such file or directory".
Any suggestions? -
you read it?
https://wiki.qt.io/Install_Qt_5_on_UbuntuInstall OpenGL libraries
Execute the following command to install OpenGL libraries:
sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev
Note: Just installing the above-mentioned mesa-common-dev kit is not sufficient for more recent Ubuntu versions. Based on this comment in the forum an additional package needs installation. Execute following command:
sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev -y
Tested with Qt5.3.1 and Ubuntu 14.04 and it solved the problem with missing -lGL.
Partially solved! So, Thanks!
"analogclock" examples needs "rasterwindow.h" header, but it seems missing in QT 5.5.0 (or path is different for some Header that have to be included?).
Same problem for other examples, as serial port: it requires headers that during Building phase aren't find.
Any suggestion? -
That class is in the rasterwindow folder in the examples folder, how are you building your example ?
You're right!
I copied "analogclock" folder only to my test folder and it was no possible to compile it; after have been copied the whole "gui" folder (containing more examples, including analogclock), all works perfectly.
I tried serialport example also: no problem occurs.
Thanks SGaist -
@Hieu-Le said in Qt 5.5.0 problem running examples [SOLVED]:
My error after cannot find GL.h is cannot find -lGL
I need to create link libGL.so in my PC
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/libGL.soHi and welcome to devnet,
No you don't. The correct thing to do is to install the OpenGL development package for your distribution.
qt creator rasterwindow.h: No such file or directory how can i fixe this ?
OS: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) [linux version 5.15.53-v7+]
Qt Creator 4.14.1
Based on Qt 5.15.2 (GCC 10.2.1 20210110, 32 bit) -
Hi @imene,
In what way is your post related to this thread ?
Please open your own thread explaining exactly your situation.