Running Qt6 application on windows xp and 7?
Currently on 5.12 LTS branch, planning on switching to 6.2 LTS. Would it still be possible to run my statically linked application on windows xp and 7? If not, Is there a 'hack' etc that I can use to target windows xp or at least windows 7 - since its widely used still.
Win Xp will not. Qt5.6 was the last to work there - as far as I know.
Win 7/8 is not supported said, it might run as static but I have not tested it.
@JonB said in Running Qt6 application on windows xp and 7?:
I don't know, but if you have an application which targets/supports Windows 7 & XP why in the world would you want to "upgrade" to Qt6?Mainly to get bug fixes and security patches.
@Taytoo said in Running Qt6 application on windows xp and 7?:
Mainly to get bug fixes and security patches.
Then you have to upgrade your OS too since there are a lot of more security issues there than in your outdated Qt version. Or maybe ask TQtC for paid support.
You know for certain that this software will not have been developed or tested for Qt6 under Win XP or 7, and that those are not supported by Qt6. I would have thought that is more of a risk than sticking at 5.12 LTS (better there is a 5.15 LTS). And you never know when something new in Qt6 might suddenly break for XP/7. But a matter of opinion, I guess. -
@JonB I guess it makes more sense to upgrade to 5.15 LTS and stay there for a while until Win 7 gets phased out.
Alternatively, I'll need 2 separate exes, one compiled using 5.15LTS and other using Qt6, which will create a code management nightmare.
@Taytoo said in Running Qt6 application on windows xp and 7?:
Win 7 gets phased out
that already happened
Have a look at
You can have two options:
- Patch Qt iteself to remove the changes that made Windows 10 as a requirement
- Use MinGW and have a small dll implementing the missing functions on Windows 7, see
Note that for 2. I only started Qt Creator 7.0.1 in a Windows 7 virtual machine. It's more of a proof of concept.