QDeclarativeListProperty add item from qml application
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favorite is there any why to add item to QDeclarativeListProperty from qml file at run time? in a loop, for example:@var i;
for(i = 0 ; i < 100 ; ++i)
listOfItems.append(MyItem {text:"list"+i})
and listOfItems is the QDeclarativeListProperty list...
i don't want to do that:
MyItem{text:"list val1"},
MyItem{text:"list val2"},
] @i have a lot of item that should be in this list
In order for this to work, you need to implement the "AppendFunction":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qdeclarativelistproperty.html#AppendFunction-typedef of QDeclarativeListProperty. The example below shows how that can be done. It also implement "ClearFunction":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qdeclarativelistproperty.html#ClearFunction-typedef so that it cleans up correctly.
#include <QtDeclarative>class MyObject : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeListProperty<MyObject> getInfo READ getInfo CONSTANT)
{}~MyObject() { } QDeclarativeListProperty<MyObject> getInfo() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { list << new MyObject();
return QDeclarativeListProperty<MyObject>(this, 0, &MyObject::appendObject, 0, 0, &MyObject::clearObject); } static void appendObject(QDeclarativeListProperty<MyObject> *l, MyObject *obj) { MyObject *object = qobject_cast<MyObject *>(l->object); if (object) object->list << obj; } static void clearObject(QDeclarativeListProperty<MyObject> *l) { qDebug("In clear"); MyObject *object = qobject_cast<MyObject *>(l->object); if (object) { foreach (MyObject *o, object->list) delete o; object->list.clear(); } } QList<MyObject *> list;
@ -
but this way you can only add items to the list in the qml file like this:
...getInfo :[
MyObject {...},
MyObject {...},
MyObject {...}
}@i wan't to know if there is any way to add items to this list in a loop, because i have a lot of items to append into the list.
I have a similar requirement: Append item to an initialized list property from QML application at run-time.
This is what we can do right now, at the initialization stage:
@MyElement {
id: myElementlistOfItems: [ MyItem {text: "list val1"}, MyItem {text: "list val2"}
}@This is what I would like to do additionally, at run time:
@myElement.listOfItems.append(MyItem {text: "list val3" });@
@MyItem {
id: myItem3text: "list val3"
But neither "append()" works. This means that QDeclarativeListProperty is static once initialized in QML. This is a big limitation. Refer to the "Birthday Party" example. We have an initial list of guests. Later a new guest wants to join the fun. Will this be possible? -
This seems to be a very big limit to QDeclarativeListProperty<T*> properties. I couldn't find a way to dynamically append items to a QDeclarativeListProperty list from QML nor to dynamically create a new list and replace the old list with a new one. I can't believe that this was overlooked by Trolltech guys, it's a serious limitation if you want to do application logic with QML and Javascript, or am I missing a point here?
As an alternative solution, this is what I do when a dynamic list is needed: Derive a new class from QAbstractListModel and expose it to QML, or somehow make use of ListModel.
When only a static list is needed, QDeclarativeListProperty appears to be a very good choice.