Qt 6.2 + CMake + extending QML with a C++ class
We probably talk past each other. You've said that the "plugin target" is going to be either dynamic or module based.
Translating that to CMake's target TYPE that would be either SHARED_LIBRARY or MODULE_LIBRARY right?Now according to my tests the plugin target which gets created is either of TYPE STATIC_LIBRARY or of MODULE_LIBRARY, but never of TYPE SHARED_LIBRARY.
@vinci said in Qt 6.2 + CMake + extending QML with a C++ class:
You've said that the "plugin target" is going to be either dynamic or module based.
Yes, I misspoke. I meant to write that it's either static or module. If you want to link explicitly as a shared library, then use NO_PLUGIN and link against the backing target directly.
Thank you for clearing that up! I really hope there will be more blog posts / tutorials on this in the future.
@vinci said in Qt 6.2 + CMake + extending QML with a C++ class:
Thank you for clearing that up!
No problem.
I really hope there will be more blog posts / tutorials on this in the future.
There probably will be, I imagine. Take note that if you link explicitly to the backing target without a plugin you must use some symbol from it. (look at the blogpost for the volatile pointer trick).
Yes thank you, I'm aware of that.
I'm grateful to have some responses to my question, but as a total novice when it comes to CMake, I'm still confused and unable to get something to work. The conversation about backing targets and plugins goes over my head.
I am building a standalone app (executable), so I think that what I'm after is a statically linked plugin.
From what you've said, I've tried appending the following to my CMakeLists.txt shown above...
qt_add_library(People STATIC) target_include_directories(Peopleplugin PUBLIC ./) target_link_libraries(myproject PRIVATE People)
This builds fine but I still get "QML module not found" in main.qml.
Can you provide a cookie-cutter CMakeLists.txt to get me off and running?
@paulmasri said in Qt 6.2 + CMake + extending QML with a C++ class:
I am building a standalone app (executable), so I think that what I'm after is a statically linked plugin.
I don't believe so. If you're building a 'bundle-all' executable, you wouldn't need a plugin to begin with. I'd try something like this:
qt_add_qml_module(People URI People VERSION 1.0 STATIC SOURCES Person.h Person.cpp NO_PLUGIN OUTPUT_TARGETS PEOPLE_DEPS ) target_link_library(myproject PRIVATE People ${PEOPLE_DEPS})
Also you may need to initialize the resources manually, as static builds are pita to begin with. Personally, I wouldn't do it.
Also remove the duplicating source files:qt_add_executable(myproject main.cpp Person.h Person.cpp #< Remove this )
@kshegunov said in Qt 6.2 + CMake + extending QML with a C++ class:
@paulmasri said in Qt 6.2 + CMake + extending QML with a C++ class:
I am building a standalone app (executable), so I think that what I'm after is a statically linked plugin.
I don't believe so. If you're building a 'bundle-all' executable, you wouldn't need a plugin to begin with.
I am building a cross-platform app for deployment to Microsoft Store (UWP for Windows 10) and Apple App Store (for iPad), as well as for manual download to Windows 10.
I'd try something like this:
... (code)I've tried this but get 2 build errors. See below for my full CMakeLists.txt file and the errors.
Also you may need to initialize the resources manually, as static builds are pita to begin with. Personally, I wouldn't do it.
Sorry I didn't understand what you're saying. What do you mean by "initialize the resources manually"? And what is it that you wouldn't do?
Also remove the duplicating source files:qt_add_executable(myproject main.cpp Person.h Person.cpp #< Remove this )
I want to use this class within C++ too. Surely I need to keep retain this line in this case?
Here is my CMakeLists.txt file now:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) project(myproject VERSION 0.1 LANGUAGES CXX) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) find_package(Qt6 6.2 COMPONENTS Quick REQUIRED) qt_add_executable(myproject main.cpp ) qt_add_qml_module(myproject URI myproject VERSION 1.0 QML_FILES main.qml ) qt_add_qml_module(People URI People VERSION 1.0 STATIC SOURCES Person.h Person.cpp NO_PLUGIN OUTPUT_TARGETS PEOPLE_DEPS ) target_compile_definitions(myproject PRIVATE $<$<OR:$<CONFIG:Debug>,$<CONFIG:RelWithDebInfo>>:QT_QML_DEBUG>) target_link_libraries(myproject PRIVATE Qt6::Quick) target_link_libraries(myproject PRIVATE People ${PEOPLE_DEPS})
And these are the errors I get:
[ 96%] Linking CXX executable myproject duplicate symbol 'qInitResources_qmake_People()' in: CMakeFiles/People_resources_1.dir/.rcc/qrc_qmake_People.cpp.o duplicate symbol 'qCleanupResources_qmake_People()' in: CMakeFiles/People_resources_1.dir/.rcc/qrc_qmake_People.cpp.o ld: 2 duplicate symbols for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) make[2]: *** [myproject] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/myproject.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2
@paulmasri said in Qt 6.2 + CMake + extending QML with a C++ class:
I am building a cross-platform app for deployment to Microsoft Store (UWP for Windows 10) and Apple App Store (for iPad), as well as for manual download to Windows 10.
To my knowledge none of these require static linking.
I've tried this but get 2 build errors. See below for my full CMakeLists.txt file and the errors.
These are link errors, look below for the explanation.
Sorry I didn't understand what you're saying. What do you mean by "initialize the resources manually"?
Look here:
https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/resources.html#explicit-loading-and-unloading-of-embedded-resourcesAnd what is it that you wouldn't do?
I wouldn't go for statically linking unless I have a really good reason.
I want to use this class within C++ too. Surely I need to keep retain this line in this case?
Then, you need to setup the backing target properly to provide the headers. Look below for more.
And these are the errors I get ...
I guess that's my fault, link the
that already should include the needed dependencies and linkingPeople
explicitly leads to the symbol duplication.
Example below (not tested, but should work with a bit of tweaking if necessary):... qt_add_executable(myproject main.cpp ) qt_add_qml_module(myproject URI myproject VERSION 1.0 QML_FILES main.qml ) qt_add_qml_module(People URI People VERSION 1.0 STATIC SOURCES Person.h Person.cpp NO_PLUGIN OUTPUT_TARGETS PEOPLE_DEPS ) target_include_directories(People PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) target_compile_definitions(myproject PRIVATE $<$<OR:$<CONFIG:Debug>,$<CONFIG:RelWithDebInfo>>:QT_QML_DEBUG>) target_link_libraries(myproject PRIVATE Qt6::Quick ${PEOPLE_DEPS} )
You may need to do the volatile pointer trick from the blog post as well.
@kshegunov said in Qt 6.2 + CMake + extending QML with a C++ class:
Look here:
Then, you need to setup the backing target properly to provide the headers. Look below for more.
So... if I understand right, the instruction starting
is where I'm setting up the backing target for People. Is that right? And by including the .h & .cpp sources here, they should become available to C++?Example below (not tested, but should work with a bit of tweaking if necessary):
Some forward progress...
- Build & link works fine, no errors.
- After closing and reopening the project,
stopped complaining aboutimport People
and is now recognising and formattingPerson
correctly. - However when I run the application, it fails with:
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component qrc:/myproject/main.qml:2:1: module "People" is not installed
Any ideas? Do I somehow need to link People to main.qml in the CMake?
(Also, you refer to volatile pointers. Even if it's not relevant here, that's something I should read up on. Which blog article were you referring to?)
OK... with a bit of fiddling, I've got something that builds & links, shows no errors in
and runs without error.As I don't honestly have a clue about CMake yet, this may technically have problems or cause me problems down the road — do let me know if that looks likely — but it does appear to work properly and it lets me progress with coding.
Below is the complete CMakeLists.txt.
For the benefit of others finding this thread, I've made some subtle alterations that help distinguish between what is a target and what's a URI:
- Folder structure is:
- Parent folder MyProject
- Files CMakeLists.txt, main.cpp, main.qml, Person.h, Person.cpp all sit in this folder
- The project is
- The executable that is generated (the target) is
- The class Person becomes target
with URIPeople
(accessed in QML viaimport People
) - Within Qt Creator a virtual folder structure is autogenerated with
in virtual folderappMyProject
; andPerson.h
in virtual folderPeopleplugin
- Following any changes, to be sure of a good build, delete the build folder and close QML files. Then make changes to CMakeLists.txt, build and then you can open QML files.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) project(MyProject VERSION 0.1 LANGUAGES CXX) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) find_package(Qt6 6.2 COMPONENTS Quick REQUIRED) qt_add_executable(appMyProject main.cpp ) qt_add_qml_module(appMyProject URI MyProject VERSION 1.0 QML_FILES main.qml ) qt_add_qml_module(Peopleplugin URI People VERSION 1.0 SOURCES Person.h Person.cpp ) target_include_directories(Peopleplugin PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) target_compile_definitions(appMyProject PRIVATE $<$<OR:$<CONFIG:Debug>,$<CONFIG:RelWithDebInfo>>:QT_QML_DEBUG>) target_link_libraries(appMyProject PRIVATE Qt6::Quick Peopleplugin)
I took out the
and instead let it create a plugin calledPeopleplugin
.I think the key changes from when I posted the original question are:
- Change
qt_add_qml_module(People URI People...
toqt_add_qml_module(Peopleplugin URI People...
- Add
target_include_directories(Peopleplugin PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
- Add
to the list withintarget_link_libraries(... PRIVATE...)
Thoughts & comments welcome.
- Folder structure is:
Yes, looks correct, although I'd say use
qt_add_qml_module(People ...
The cmake function already creates a plugin for you (as you'd removed theNO_PLUGIN
and that binary is going to be called Peoplepuginplugin - e.g.libPeoplepluginplugin.so
, which is somewhat confusing).So... if I understand right, the instruction starting qt_add_qml_module(People,...) is where I'm setting up the backing target for People. Is that right? And by including the .h & .cpp sources here, they should become available to C++?
Yes. Although as usual those headers must be supplied to the consuming target (myproject), whence the
)Which blog article were you referring to?
It was mentioned somewhere above, I belive: https://www.qt.io/blog/qml-modules-in-qt-6.2
Thanks. I've changed
and correspondinglyPeopleplugin
in thetarget_link_libraries()
and can confirm that this all works well.Thanks for all your help!
So for clarity for anyone with the same question, the following CMakeLists.txt makes the class
available to QML viaimport People
, by packaging it behind the scenes asPeopleplugin
.cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) project(MyProject VERSION 0.1 LANGUAGES CXX) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) find_package(Qt6 6.2 COMPONENTS Quick REQUIRED) qt_add_executable(appMyProject main.cpp ) qt_add_qml_module(appMyProject URI MyProject VERSION 1.0 QML_FILES main.qml ) qt_add_qml_module(People URI People VERSION 1.0 SOURCES Person.h Person.cpp ) target_include_directories(Peopleplugin PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) target_compile_definitions(appMyProject PRIVATE $<$<OR:$<CONFIG:Debug>,$<CONFIG:RelWithDebInfo>>:QT_QML_DEBUG>) target_link_libraries(appMyProject PRIVATE Qt6::Quick People)
and for those eagle-eyed,
was buggy and should be:import QtQuick import People Window { width: 640 height: 480 visible: true Text { text: personBob.name + " wears size " + personBob.shoeSize + " shoes." } Person { id: personBob name: "Bob Jones" shoeSize: 12 } }
The C++ class
is derived fromQObject
:#include <QObject> #include <QtQml/qqml.h> class Person : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName NOTIFY nameChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int shoeSize READ shoeSize WRITE setShoeSize NOTIFY shoeSizeChanged) QML_ELEMENT ...
is as autogenerated when creating a new Qt Quick 6.2 project in Qt Creator and makes no mention ofPerson
or thePeople
plugin.Other C++ classes can
#include "Person.h"
and make use of thePerson