Merge Qt SDK and Nokia SDK
[edit: mark up link, Tobias Hunger]
That bug turned out it was a duplicate of "bug QTSDK-114":
Is a very valuable feature IMHO (i was looking on the forum just to see if somebody mentioned it :P), and seems it's fixed in 1.1. Great!
[quote author="maciek" date="1291668207"]+1 for merging and breaking to smaller pieces - Many people would prefer to install distribution packages instead of *.run files. Also - some people won't need mobile development tools.[/quote]
Yeah, I wish I could just run aptitude install nokia-qt-sdk and be done with. Qt is free software, Creator and the Simulator are free too. I don't know if there are some pieces not free software yet.
Anyways, I just imagine it's really hard to package everything for a distribution. Usually just a library is a pain, so a cross compiled Qt it's just too much work.
I like the idea of breaking in smaller pieces. It would avoid what happened in my work machine. I had Qt Creator installed + Creator which is part of the Nokia Qt SDK + Creator part of the MeeGo SDK.
Ok, maybe it was my fault to install each 'full sdk' :-P , but IMHO it would be easier with smaller parts (plugins?) that one could easily enable or disable inside Qt Creator.
Qt creator had, at a time (I can't find where anymore), the idea of adding/updating packages separately. It would be great to install qt creator and then "add modules" from within ... maemo module, meego module, desktop development module ...
By the way: can we figure out a way to update the existing "version" instead of having to start over? We have the "auto update" on qt creator but I have never had a chance to update anything using it.
[quote author="fcrochik" date="1291675760"]Qt creator had, at a time (I can't find where anymore), the idea of adding/updating packages separately. It would be great to install qt creator and then "add modules" from within ... maemo module, meego module, desktop development module ...
[/quote]I think that you mean the Nokia Qt SDK online installer. There you can add, remove or update components. See the screenshot.
! Qt SDK Updater)!
Unfortunately, not everything can be installed using that (yet). For example, I have a second installation of Qt Creator to test the 2.1 RC.
Wow - thanks so much for posting that link. One related comment I want to make is that it is sometimes hard to find the page you're looking for - for instance, I hadn't found that because I wasn't looking under the "mobile" section.
Another vote for combining the two, and I'd like to add the option to install the source code. On Linux and Windows, I inevitably end up building from source, for one reason or another. (Okay, I also frequently end up needing to build from git, but that's neither here nor there.)
[quote]... Similarly to the Qt SDK, the new Nokia Qt SDK product, which debuted a few months ago, combines Qt and Qt Creator in one package (along with a number of other useful tools for both desktop and mobile development). It didn’t make sense to us to keep shipping two products that support the same set of use-cases. We therefore decided to retire the Qt SDK and use the time we would have spent on producing and testing it to put a little extra effort into polishing the next version of the Nokia Qt SDK, which we expect to release before Christmas. Effectively, the Qt SDK will be merged into version 1.1 of the Nokia Qt SDK. ...[/quote]"source":