macdeployqt warning and errors on BigSur (11.5.2) with sql module (Qt 5.15.2)
I'm building my app ClemRemote without any issue on BigSur v11.5.2 with Qt 5.15.2.
When I pack it in a dmg, I'm getting warnings and errors. Is it normal?~/github/ClementineRemote/build-ClementineRemote-Desktop_Qt_5_15_2_clang_64bit-Release$ /Users/mb/Qt//5.15.2/clang_64/bin/macdeployqt -dmg -qmldir=../src/ File exists, skip copy: "" File exists, skip copy: "" File exists, skip copy: "" File exists, skip copy: "" WARNING: Plugin "libqsqlodbc.dylib" uses private API and is not Mac App store compliant. WARNING: Plugin "libqsqlpsql.dylib" uses private API and is not Mac App store compliant. ERROR: no file at "/usr/local/opt/libiodbc/lib/libiodbc.2.dylib" ERROR: no file at "/Applications/"
what is
I guesslibpq.5.dylib
is for Postgres which is not needed.I'm only using sqlite and it seems to work for both iOS version and macOS one.
How come it finds the library? (especially for iOS cause I installed it for macOS using brew)Is there a way to limit the SQL module to a specific database?
Cheers :)PS: I forgot to say that even with those errors the dmg is created and it seems to work, even the functionalities using sqlite
AFAIK, sqlite is built in so no external libraries needed for the module.
AFAIK there's not yet a way to use a sub selection of SQL drivers you would need to remove them by hand before generating the dmg.
Frameworks are changing between macOS releases so you may have found something new.