Has any one received Elf prizes ??
I am looking at number one position "here":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/, does this mean that I won it ?
[quote author="Immii" date="1293437022"]I am looking at number one position "here":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/, does this mean that I won it ?[/quote]
Wait for results it would be declared in another six hours or so.
Not all the Trolls have holiday :P
Alexandra i think is working.
So Immii wait the alexandra message...[quote author="Gerolf" date="1293458717"]Perhaps, this days it will take a bit longerm, as it's the time between christmas and new year. Perhaps also Trolls have holidays this time :-)[/quote]
Also you would require Gurudutt to calculate the top three by looking into the records.
An update is available "here":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/2833/.