Black screen Map
@vin212 said in Black screen Map:
the ".exe" with the différent .dll
You didn't state but I assume your using Windows OS.
So please check with Dependency Walker in the case with black map to see what DLL could be missing
In addition, change your application to include debug statements (i.e. HTTP requests/responses, important methods calls, etc.) to see what could be the last step you're able to run into in that wrong case
And if you're doing network requests for getting maps you may also want to capture network traffic, to compare the good and bad cases. -
sorry, yes i'm on windows.
I use Dependency Walker, all API-MS-Win was missing and all EXT-MS-WIN. For debug my programme i use the log file but, i can't detect the probleme, i suppose is in the QML or it can't read the QML. And, if it can read the QML i can debug the QML programme ^^'
@vin212 said in Black screen Map:
whene i use the ".exe" with the différent .dll, the apllication work but, the map was replace with a black screen.
Did you use windeployqt.exe (cf. to deploy your application?
Did you pass--qmldir
argument to ensure all your QML files have been checked to add required dependencies? -
@vin212 said in Black screen Map:
yes, i use windeployqt (no exe but, the ".bat")
Which windeployqt.bat?
I am only aware about windeployqt.exe which is in
For example for Win32 Qt 5.12.10 the path would be c:\qt\5.12.10\msvc2017\bin. -
@vin212 said in Black screen Map:
i'm not shure for the --qmldir, where i do put this ?
It's an option you can pass to windeployqt. As value you need to pass the path to your application qml sources.
I try the different solution. With the option "--qmldir" and with the "windepoyqt.exe" but, nothing... The situation no change... it's embarassing... do you have any solution ?
windeployqt --qmldir c:\...\QML\ --dir c:\....\finalDirectory c:\...\toto.exe
the application working but the map is black... (the map use openSSL)
@vin212 said in Black screen Map:
the application working but the map is black... (the map use openSSL)
Which Qt version are you using?
Could you add debug message at application start to check SSL is correctly set.
Something like this:qDebug() << "SSL support:" << QSslSocket::supportSsl(); qDebug() << "SSL version required:" << QSslSocket::sslLibraryBuildVersionString(); qDebug() << "SSL version found:" << QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionString();
On another thread, the solution with Qt 6.x, was to add manually TLS backend (which is an external plugin with Qt 6.x):
CopyC:\Qt\<Qt version>\<compiler>\plugins\tls
in to the generated deployment directory (cf. -
i useQT5.15 and, open SSL is use on QML, i can't debug with your message beacause i don't use this library. OpenSSL is use by QtLocation or/and Qtpositioning
the message whene i include the lib QSslSocket :
SSL support: true SSL version required: "OpenSSL 1.1.1g 21 Apr 2020" SSL version found: "OpenSSL 1.1.1l 24 Aug 2021"
on the release, i have the same result
@vin212 said in Black screen Map:
i can't debug with your message
You may need to look at this article regarding debugging QML.
And I already suggested that you capture network traffic to see what your application is requesting/receiving (although once the TLS session is established you'll see "garbage") -
@Pablo-J-Rogina for the console.log, i dont know who i can read the result whene i execute my programme out of the IDE
And, i don't know how i use the network traffic for debug my programme
After research i discovering my problème but, i can't solve this beacause i dont have the solution...
Whell, on my version on my PC, the map work but, whene i add the "dll" QT5core.dll i have the same probleme, black screen. Do you have eny solution ?
Add the code below to
file (project file):Code:
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD/debug } else { DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD/release } QMAKE_POST_LINK = $$(QTDIR)/bin/windeployqt.exe $$shell_quote($$DESTDIR/$$shell_quote($$TARGET).exe) --qmldir "C:\\Qt\\5.15.2\\mingw81_32\\qml" --no-compiler-runtime
This should add all the necessary libs to your project.
My situation change, after many help and manipulation, my map change ! The map is not black but, is white !
[Edit] it's work ! After many help and research i fixe my probleme ! En effect, i add the line :
qputenv("QT_OPENGL", "angle"); QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseOpenGLES,true);
and i add many depedency ".dll" on my repertory. After this, my application work'sThank's for your help !