getting no response from QWheelEvent
I am using this function in qtopenglwidget. I have drawn linestrip. Now i want to add zoom in and out functionalities by using mouse wheel. I am new in qt . May be I am wrong. But i found in internet that to use mouse wheel, I have to use this function. Thats why first i was trying to print something by scrolling the mouse wheel. But it does not print anything.
@Md-Saif-Khan said in getting no response from QWheelEvent:
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *ev)
You don't use this function in your qtopenglwidget here ...
@Christian-Ehrlicher could you please tell me how i can use mouse wheel while i am working on qtopenglwidget?
You start by creating a subclass of QOpenGLWidget.
Then I recommend with starting from the basics: C++ inheritance.
@Md-Saif-Khan said in getting no response from QWheelEvent:
me some website link where i can understand how they are using mouse wheel in qt for qtopenglwidget.
This will not help until you learn basic ++ stuff like inheritance as @SGaist already pointed out.
You know that your current free function just misses one thing to be properly used ?
I understood the problem. Thank you for your help. :)
Great !
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