Key_events get added up on showing Application Modal QDialog
Hi Folks,
I am using a Animated Gif file using QMovie, QLabel and QDialog, to show transition from one screen to another ( in case if the transition takes more time to switch over from one screen to another ).
I am using setModal( true ) and open() methods of QDialog to show this Animation gif, so that user cant interact during this process of transition from one screen to another....
In case if i use these methods to enable "ApplicationModal", in some other screen, where we are handling "key_Right" and "key_Left", these keyevents get multiplied/added up depends upon the number of times this Animated Gif is shown through this QMovie, QLabel, QDialog .... Key_Right fires twice ( on single key_right press ) in case if i show the Animated Gif once... and it fires thrice, in case if we show the Animated Gif again... and so on ....
we are actually using done( int r ) method and Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose to delete this Animated Gif using QDialog....
is it a bug or do we need to set some WindowsFlags for the QDialog?
[quote author="VCsala" date="1293125846"]When you construct the QDialog, what is the parent you give to it? If you want to be it application modal it is recommended to set it 0.[/quote]
For being ApplicationModal, I am not passing any parent pointer to that Dialog...