QtCharts module not found even after installing in Qt Maintenance
You can open the .pro file in Qt Creator to build it with the Qt version(s) you want to use.
You can add a custom step to call "jom install".
I the Qt Creator documentation.
@SGaist said in QtCharts module not found even after installing in Qt Maintenance:
You can add a custom step to call "jom install".
After the build step
I have the same problem.
Suspiciously, installation of QtCharts module takes zero bytes!Here's the output from console usage of maintenace tool.
D:\Qt λ .\MaintenanceTool.exe install addons.qt.qtcharts [0] Arguments: D:\Qt\MaintenanceTool.exe, install, addons.qt.qtcharts [23] Operations sanity check succeeded. [24] Reading Qt Account settings from disk: "C:/Users/undea/AppData/Roaming/Qt/qtaccount.ini" [24] Opensource installation detected: "D:/Qt" [25] QtAccount information: [25] Login completed: false [25] Email: "undead.rus@gmail.com" [25] Total number of licenses: 0 [25] Account type: 1 [963] Login completed to Qt Account: "undead.rus@gmail.com" [1225] Saving licenses to file: "C:/Users/undea/AppData/Roaming/Qt/qtlicenses.ini" [1226] Saving Qt Account settings to file: "C:/Users/undea/AppData/Roaming/Qt/qtaccount.ini" [1350] "Installation preconditions ok, installation can proceed!" [ "success" ] [7110] Preparing meta information download... [10348] Retrieving meta information from remote repository... [11658] Extracting meta information... [22715] Using 'QtConanBinary': D:\Qt\Tools\Conan\conan.exe [26618] Warning: QFont::setPixelSize: Pixel size <= 0 (-1) [26619] Selected components without dependencies: addons addons.qt addons.qt.qtcharts [26619] Installation space required: "0.00 bytes" Temporary space required: "0.00 bytes" Local repository size: "0.00 bytes" [26653] Tmp is on a different volume than the installation directory. Tmp volume mount point: "C:\\" Free space available: "180.46 GB" Install volume mount point: "D:\\" Free space available: "483.14 GB" [26653] Installation will use 0.00 bytes of disk space. [26654] Do you want to continue? [26654] Yes|No yes [139612] Install size: 3 components [139634] Preparing the installation... [139651] Update finished! [139951] Components installed successfully
After many-many times of reinstalling the module nothing changed.
Search finds no files or folders in QT directory, containing "*charts".
Something is definitely broken in maintenance tool.
Trying to install another module, e.g. DataVisualization gives the same result. -
@SGaist said in QtCharts module not found even after installing in Qt Maintenance:
you have to first build and install it before using it
Should be located in your sources folder.
Do you mean I have to manually clone it fromn the repo and build it myself?
Why then is it listed as installable module in maintenace tool?
Why 99% of the answers on SO recommend installing it via Maintenace tool then? See topicstarter's SO post and links therein.
This is misguiding. -
@deadundead You already have source installed via maintenance tool. I presume you just need to open the project .pro file, build, install/deploy/copy to Qt bin folders.
Somebody please post clear instructions. I just started working with QT a few days ago.
I am on Ubuntu 20.04 and I installed QtCreator with the offline installer. I tried using the maintenance tool to install charts but it still says "module not found". -
@arunkumaraqm I'm on Windows, but i was able:
- To build charts from the official repo.
- After I have finally tortured my OS to death and did a clean reinstall of windows and everything, I managed to install charts correctly. The thing is, there are 2 places you can install QtCharts from. The first way is from "additional libraries", which is supposed to be the source install, I think. However I was unable to locate the sources on my PC and got them from the repo.
The second one is the binary install from Qt->Your version of QT section. And that had just simply worked.
That was the answer I was trying to push for, cus on SO you clearly see "just install via Maintenace tool", without any mentions of building it from source.
@deadundead the one and only solution that solved my problem. youre my god.
@deadundead thank you :)