QtRpt build failure
QML and Qt Quick
Qt Version : Qt 5.14.0 - MinGW73_x64
QtRpt Version : QtRptProject-2.2.1
Platform : Windows 10
Error : [Makefile:96:sub-QtRptDesigner-make_first-ordered]Error 2
Compiler Output :
Cannot find file: D:\QtProject\reportes\QtRptDesigner\QtRptDesigner.pro.
mingw32-make: *** [Makefile:96: sub-QtRptDesigner-make_first-ordered] Error 2
22:08:12: The process "C:\Qt\Qt5.14.0\Tools\mingw730_64\bin\mingw32-make.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project reportes (kit: Desktop Qt 5.14.0 MinGW 64-bit)
When executing step "Make" -
Please restart the build from scratch to have all error related informations.
What was it ?