Problem with macdeplayqt and Qt3D
Hi everyone!
I have a problem with may QtQuick application which usage QML extension with Qt3D render. When I'm running my application from QtCreator in debug or release mode application worcs fine but if I using macdeplyqt and after that run application I'm getting error like this:
Unable to find renderer plugin for openglIf I check application bundle I can't find folder <application_bundle>/Contents/Plugins/renderers.
My question is what I need to do for copy Qt_install_path/plugins/renderers/libopenglrenderer.dylib to application folder with macdeployqt?
Thanks for the any help.
Depending on the Qt version you are using macdeployqt might be missing some plugins in its lists to deploy.
You need to check the code of macdeployqt.
I'm checked the link which you are shared. And I'm found this line in branch dev
{QStringLiteral("3DRender"), {QStringLiteral("sceneparsers"), QStringLiteral("geometryloaders"), QStringLiteral("renderers")}},
but for Qt 5.15.1 branch this line looks like:
{QStringLiteral("3DRender"), {QStringLiteral("sceneparsers"), QStringLiteral("geometryloaders")}},
So, as I understand correctly all I can do is a copy renderers without macdeployqt. Is this right?
Or you can fix the macdeployqt code and build it to replace your version. That way you benefit from all the file processing done during the deployment process.