N900 and QMediaPlayer
I don't know the absolute path, I hope this can work with the relative path so it will work on other platforms as well... Anyway, what will my absolute path be?
I think I need some step by step guide here, cause I feel like I have tried it all.. :(
Thank you for your replay :)
Then at first try to discover is this relative path valid (QFile or QFileInfo will help you).
Now you should investigate what relative path you should give for your file to find it. If you will provide more info about source of this file, how do you receive its name and other related things then it will be easier to help you.
Okay, I have done the following:
In the same folder as src.pro i got ballhit.wav, and in src.pro i added this:
OTHER_FILES += ballhit.wav
target.path = $$DESTDIR
target.files += ballhit.wav
INSTALLS += targetI have also added a build step: "make install"
I have also included it on my resource file, but this does not seem to work(?)
As far as I know playing sound from resources is not supported, at least not with QSound.
From the documentation:
Note that QSound does not support resources. This might be fixed in a future Qt version. -
for using files from resources you need to add ":/" or "qrc:/" to your filename. But not aware about playing sound from resources (simply never tried)
Problem solved!
Solution: "http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=855984&postcount=9":http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=855984&postcount=9I hope Qt will find a better way to handle this...