QtJambi 5.12.8 is nearly alive!
i tried to reanimate the QtJambi Project. So i did some fixes in the QtJambi generator and everything works well!
See here: https://github.com/walbit-de/qtjambi5But there is still one annoying bug: When i create a jar package for my application, it doesn't find the platform plugins (in my case the qwindows.dll).
All required plugins (dlls) are embedded in the platform jar and in the application jar, but Qt look only in the binary directory of the Java interpreter, not in the temp folder in which all Qt libs are extracted.
I compiled Qt with the -plugin-manifests parameter, but it seems that this doesn't have any effect.Can anybody help me?
Thanks and best regards
Martin -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
I can't answer directly but one thing that you could try in between is to generate a qt.conf file.
Hello SGaist,
thanks for your answer. I can't use the config file, but your link gave me an idea.
With this snippet in the application, Qt found the plugins:NativeLibraryManager.unpack(); for(String path : NativeLibraryManager.pluginPaths()) QCoreApplication.addLibraryPath(path);
QtJambi is alive :)
Happy eastern
Martin -
Great !
Since you have it alive now please mark the thread as solved using the "Topic Tools" button so that other forum users may know a solution has been found.