QML ScrollView binding loop for "contentHeight"
QML and Qt Quick
Binding loops with scroll views seem to be a popular topic. However, I couldn't solve this issue with the existing posts I found. I'm getting the error:
QML ScrollView: Binding loop detected for property "contentHeight"
when I'm doing the following in my Qml file:
ScrollView { id: scrollView width: 1480 height: 197 font.pointSize: 14 clip: true ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff ListView { id: logView x: 20 y: 672 model: qros.rosLog delegate: logDelegate spacing: 5 } } Component { id: logDelegate RowLayout { Text { Layout.maximumWidth: 1480 color: "#FFFFFF" font.family: "Arial" font.pointSize: 8 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: modelData } } }
I don't see where this comes from since this looks like the example.