UI Extensions and symbian^4
it is interesting, which UI will be used in symbian^4 - UI Extensions for Mobile package ("http://qt.gitorious.org/uiemo#more":http://qt.gitorious.org/uiemo#more) or elements based on QML?
Why not both?
Well, maybe it's too early to say something regarding S^4, but it would be nice to have a set of QML based elements.There is a project which is a candidate to provide these elements. In "this wiki page":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Qt_Quick_Components you find more information and links about it.
If you get interested, do join the mailing list and IRC channel, there are nice discussions happening there.
(Maybe you already know about it. If so, consider it a message to our dear search engine explorers =P)
Alexander, yes, "Symbian^4 will use Qt for its ui":http://developer.symbian.org/wiki/index.php/Symbian^4.
As you can "read here":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/02/15/ui-extensions-for-mobile-development-now-on-gitorious/, UI Extensions for Mobile == Orbit :-) Just a matter of internal x external project names
[quote author="Alexander Kuchumov" date="1286522396"]anselmolsm, yes, but why Orbit don't use QML?:)[/quote]
"George":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Harrison would answer: ""I don't know, I don't know":http://www.lyrics.com/something-lyrics-the-beatles.html" :-P
hm... Maybe Orbit/UIEMO is older than we know, maybe QML did not even exist by that time. As I consider almost impossible a total rewrite of Orbit, the alternative of QML based components to create new apps seems more realistic.
However, I don't think everything should be written in QML, there are areas where C++ code performs better / still more appropriate. What could be different IMO is the API for third party developers.
yes, so it's interesting - "http://qt.gitorious.org/uiemo#more":http://qt.gitorious.org/uiemo#more is alive? or will be new project? I don't see activity at gitorious :(
Alexander, this repo is just a preview, it is not synced with internal repos. It happened when they opened the repos of "libdui":http://qt.gitorious.org/maemo-6-ui-framework/libdui (now "libmeegotouch":http://meego.gitorious.org/meegotouch/libmeegotouch). I hope it will change soon, then we'll be able to follow every step.
So, our question is: 'what's happening in the internal repos, now?' No idea...
Oh yeah, after last week's announcement, things changed :-)