QPSQL driver not loaded QT 5.13.2
I tried to connect to PostgresSQL using QT 5.13.2 Mingw32 on windows, I use the simple code to make the connection but i got the common ErrorQSqlDatabase: PSQL driver not loaded QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QODBC QODBC3 QPSQL QPSQL7 "Driver not loaded Driver not loaded"
I copy all the dlls needed to my EXE folder using WindDeploy and then download Windows Binaries of postgresql from it's website Here, I download 9.3.25 Version and copy the dlls
libeay32.dll libintl.dll libpq.dll ssleay32.dll
to my folder that has the EXE, but i still got the same problem i don't know why, and almost all the solution that solved this problem in the past was saying this solution to copy the dlls from the PostgresSQL folder to your EXE folder, i dont know if i need maybe a higher version of PostgresSQL binaries for windows for a new dlls, I go from PostgresSQL version 9.2 to 9.10 and no dll helped me.
Start your application with the QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS environment variable set to 1. It will give you more information about what is happening.
Apart from this take a look what Dependency Walker (or Dependencies-Gui) is telling you about missing libraries.