PostgreSQL event notification with payload
Hello. I was using ODBC driver for sql server, however after learning that ODBC doesn't support eventNotification I tried to add that feature by building the driver with no success I changed to PSQL driver and used psql by downloading the binary files and adding to the path. It worked. I test the event notification and it works. However I would like to send the notification with the affected row information. I was able to connect with the two signal and slot, but I don't know how to work with the payload. I am new to postgres. This is how I achieved the event notification.
In the postgresql server:
CREATE RULE Eventnotifications AS ON INSERT TO test DO NOTIFY sendToEventNots
In my app:
bool ok =; if (ok) { qDebug() << "Database connected"; bool eventNot= db.driver()->hasFeature(QSqlDriver::EventNotifications); qDebug() << "Has feature eventNotification" << eventNot; db.driver()->subscribeToNotification("sendToEventNots"); qDebug() << "Connected Info" << db.databaseName(); } connect(db.driver(), SIGNAL(notification(const QString&)), this, SLOT(notificationReceived(const QString&))); connect(db.driver(), QOverload<const QString &>::of(&QSqlDriver::notification), [this](const QString &sendToEventNots){ qDebug() << "Event received"; }); } void MainWindow::notificationReceived(const QString&){ qDebug() << "Notification received"; }
The above two connect work. I would like to do something like this:
In server:CREATE RULE Eventnotifications AS ON INSERT TO test DO NOTIFY sendToEventNots, {"userid":the user Id, "value1": value1,"value2":value2,"action":"grok"}
in my app:
connect(sqlDriver, QOverload<const QString &, QSqlDriver::NotificationSource, const QVariant &>::of(&QSqlDriver::notification), [=](const QString &name, QSqlDriver::NotificationSource source, const QVariant &payload){ /* ... */ });
How can I achieve this, and be able to receive the values? Is it possible? Thanks
Don't you have them in the QVariant you receive ?
What source are you talking about ?