a function-definition is not allowed here before ‘{’ token
the error message is quite accurate,
void BootWindow::create_treatments() is missing it's closing bracket
actually that is incorrect of me, the closing } is there, but your
function definition is inside the create_treatments() function.
Move it out of there. -
@AntonioValentin said in a function-definition is not allowed here before ‘{’ token:
Can anyone help me?
I would suggest you to take a look at line 298...
Can you give me an example where it is missing?
void BootWindow::create_treatments() { if(Agejet::actual_language_name == "ita"){ Treatment *t = new Treatment(0,QString("Ringiovanimento cutaneo")); tr_type sr1{"Epidermide","Epidermide\nVery Low Energy \n1 J","viso completo - collo \ndécolleté - mani ",1,"1-4","2-3 giorni","4 settimane",1,1,true}; tr_type sr2{"Derma Superficiale","Derma \nSuperficiale\nLow Energy \n1.5 J","viso completo - collo \ndécolleté - mani ",1,"1-4","4-5 giorni","3 settimane",1,1.5,true}; tr_type sr3{"Derma Reticolare","Derma \nReticolare \nHigh Energy \n3 J","viso completo - collo \ndécolleté - mani ",1,"1-4","7-10 giorni","non definito",1,3,false}; tr_type sr4{"Rimodellamento Profondo","Rimodellamento \nProfondo \nHigh Energy\n4 J","viso completo - collo\ndécolleté - mani ",1,"1-4","7-10 giorni","non definito",1,4,false}; t->add_tr_type(sr1); t->add_tr_type(sr2); t->add_tr_type(sr3); t->add_tr_type(sr4); Agejet::skin_resurfacing=t; t = new Treatment(1,QString("Lassità Cutanea")); tr_type sl1{"Lassità Cutanea","Lassità Cutanea \n2 J","nasolabiale",2,"1-4","5-7 giorni","non definito",1,2,false}; t->add_tr_type(sl1); Agejet::skin_laxity=t; t = new Treatment(2,QString("Cicatrici da Acne")); tr_type as1{"Cicatrici da Acne","Cicatrici da Acne \n4 J","cicatrici",1,"1-4","7-10 giorni","non definito",1,4,false}; t->add_tr_type(as1); Agejet::acne=t; t = new Treatment(3,QString("Iperpigmentazione")); tr_type pi1{"Low Energy","Viso\nLow Energy \n1.5 J","macchie del viso",1,"1-4","4-5 giorni","3 settimane",1,1.5,true}; t->add_tr_type(pi1); tr_type pi2{"High Energy","Viso\nHigh Energy \n2.5 J","macchie del viso",1,"1-4","5-7 giorni","non definito",1,2.5,false}; t->add_tr_type(pi2); tr_type pi3{"High Energy","Corpo \nHigh Energy \n3 J","macchie cutanee \n(corpo)",1,"1-4","5-7 giorni","non definito",1,3,false}; t->add_tr_type(pi3); Agejet::pigmentation=t; t = new Treatment(4,QString("Blefaroplastica non chirurgica")); tr_type bl1{"Blefaroplastica \nnon chirurgica","Blefaroplastica \nnon chirurgica \n3.5 J","regione periorbitale",1,"1-4","7-10 giorni","non definito",1,3.5,false}; t->add_tr_type(bl1); Agejet::blefaro=t; t = new Treatment(5,QString("Trattamento personalizzato")); tr_type cu1{"Trattamento personalizzato","","",1,"","","",1,3.5,false}; Agejet::custom=t; t->add_tr_type(cu1); } else { if (Agejet::actual_language_name == "eng"){ Treatment *t = new Treatment(0,QString("Skin Resurfacing")); tr_type sr1{"Upper Layer","Upper Layer\nVery Low Energy \n1 J","full face - neck \ndécolletage - hand ",1,"1-4","2-3 days","4 weeks",1,1,true}; tr_type sr2{"Upper Dermis ","Upper Dermis\nLow Energy \n1.5 J","full face - neck \ndécolletage - hand ",1,"1-4","4-5 days","3 weeks",1,1.5,true}; tr_type sr3{"Middle Dermis","Middle Dermis \nHigh Energy \n3 J","full face - neck \ndécolletage - hand ",1,"1-4","7-10 days","not defined weeks",1,3,false}; tr_type sr4{"Deep Resurfacing","Deep \nRemodeling \nHigh Energy\n4 J","full face - neck \ndécolletage - hand ",1,"1-4","7-10 days","not defined weeks",1,4,false}; t->add_tr_type(sr1); t->add_tr_type(sr2); t->add_tr_type(sr3); t->add_tr_type(sr4); Agejet::skin_resurfacing=t; t = new Treatment(1,QString("Skin Laxity")); tr_type sl1{"Skin Laxity","Skin Laxity \n2 J","nasolabial",2,"1-4","5-7 days","not defined weeks",1,2,false}; t->add_tr_type(sl1); Agejet::skin_laxity=t; t = new Treatment(2,QString("Acne Scares")); tr_type as1{"Acne Scares","Acne Scars \n4 J","scars",1,"1-4","7-10 days","not defined weeks",1,4,false}; t->add_tr_type(as1); Agejet::acne=t; t = new Treatment(3,QString("Hyperpigmentation")); tr_type pi1{"Low Energy","Face\nLow Energy \n1.5 J","facial skin patches",1,"1-4","4-5 days","3 weeks",1,1.5,true}; t->add_tr_type(pi1); tr_type pi2{"High Energy","Face\nHigh Energy \n2.5 J","facial skin patches",1,"1-4","5-7 days","not defined weeks",1,2.5,false}; t->add_tr_type(pi2); tr_type pi3{"High Energy","Body \nHigh Energy \n3 J","skin patches \n(body)",1,"1-4","5-7 days","not defined weeks",1,3,false}; t->add_tr_type(pi3); Agejet::pigmentation=t; t = new Treatment(4,QString("Non-surgical Blepharoplasty")); tr_type bl1{"Non-surgical\nBlefaroplasty","Non-surgical\nBlepharoplasty \n3.5 J","ocular Zone",1,"1-4","7-10 days","not defined weeks",1,3.5,false}; t->add_tr_type(bl1); Agejet::blefaro=t; t = new Treatment(5,QString("Custom")); tr_type cu1{"Custom","","",1,"","","",1,2,false}; Agejet::custom=t; t->add_tr_type(cu1); } else { if(Agejet::actual_language_name == "rus"){ Treatment *t = new Treatment(0,QString("Шлифовка кожи")); tr_type sr1{"ВЕРХНИЙ \n СЛОЙ КОЖИ","ВЕРХНИЙ \n СЛОЙ КОЖИ \n Очень \n низкая мощн. \n1 Дж","лицо - шея - \nзона декольте - руки ",1,"1-4","2-3 дня","4 недели",1,1,true}; tr_type sr2{"ВНУТРЕННИЙ \n СЛОЙ КОЖИ/ДЕРМА","ВНУТРЕННИЙ \n СЛОЙ КОЖИ/\n ДЕРМА \n Низкая мощн. \n1.5 Дж","лицо - шея -\n зона декольте - руки ",1,"1-4","4-5 дней","3 недели",1,1.5,true}; tr_type sr3{"РЕТИКУЛЯРНЫЙ \n СЛОЙ ДЕРМЫ","РЕТИКУЛЯРНЫЙ \n СЛОЙ ДЕРМЫ \n Высокая мощн. \n3 Дж","Лицо - шея - \nзона декольте - руки ",1,"1-4","7-10 дней","не задано",1,3,false}; tr_type sr4{"ГЛУБОКОЕ РЕМОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ КОЖИ","ГЛУБОКОЕ \n РЕМОДЕЛИРОВ-Е \n КОЖИ \n Высокая мощн.\n4 Дж","лицо- шея -\n зона декольте - руки",1,"1-4","7-10 дней","не задано",1,4,false}; t->add_tr_type(sr1); t->add_tr_type(sr2); t->add_tr_type(sr3); t->add_tr_type(sr4); Agejet::skin_resurfacing=t; t = new Treatment(1,QString("Вялость кожи")); tr_type sl1{"Вялость кожи","Вялость кожи \n2 Дж","носогубная\n",2,"1-4","5-7 дней","не задано",1,2,false}; t->add_tr_type(sl1); Agejet::skin_laxity=t; t = new Treatment(2,QString("Шрамы постакне")); tr_type as1{"Шрамы \n постакне","Шрамы \n постакне \n4 Дж","рубцы\n",1,"1-4","7-10 дней","не задано",1,4,false}; t->add_tr_type(as1); Agejet::acne=t; t = new Treatment(3,QString("Гиперпигментация")); tr_type pi1{"Низкая мощность","Лицо\n Низкая мощн. \n1.5 Дж","пигментные пятна \nна лице",1,"1-4","4-5 дней","3 недели",1,1.5,true}; t->add_tr_type(pi1); tr_type pi2{"Высокая мощность","Лицо\n Высокая мощн. \n2.5 Дж","пигментные пятна \nна лице",1,"1-4","5-7 дней","не задано",1,2.5,false}; t->add_tr_type(pi2); tr_type pi3{"Высокая мощность","Тело \n Высокая мощн. \n3 Дж","пятна на коже \n(тело)",1,"1-4","5-7 дней","не задано",1,3,false}; t->add_tr_type(pi3); Agejet::pigmentation=t; t = new Treatment(4,QString("Нехирургическая \n блефаропластика")); tr_type bl1{"Нехирургическая \n блефаропластика","Нехирургическая\n блефаропластика \n3.5 Дж","периорбитальная зона\n",1,"1-4","7-10 дней","не задано",1,3.5,false}; t->add_tr_type(bl1); Agejet::blefaro=t; t = new Treatment(5,QString("Персонализированные процедуры")); tr_type cu1{"Персонализированные процедуры","","",1,"","","",1,2,false}; Agejet::custom=t; t->add_tr_type(cu1); } }
@AntonioValentin Please check that function more thoroughly.
I removed the content of all your if/else blocks and this is the result:void BootWindow::create_treatments() { if(Agejet::actual_language_name == "ita"){ } else { if (Agejet::actual_language_name == "eng"){ } else { if(Agejet::actual_language_name == "rus"){ } }
You're clearly missing } (2 times I think).
If you select the last } it will show how it maches up
and as you can see, it shows the else { and
not the top one for the function.
so there you are missing one. -
@AntonioValentin The problem highlighted by QtCreator is line 291.
So, take a look at the function before this line!To help you, select the hole function and the press "Ctrl+I" to realign the code... I give you another hint, take a look at your if/else brackets.
@jsulm I solved only that now these two errors come out.
import_programs();{ ifstream model_file; string line; model_file.open(Agejet::model_path); bool model_error=false; if(model_file.is_open()) getline(model_file,line); QString model = QString::fromStdString(line); int model_int = model.toInt(); switch (model_int) { case 16: Agejet::model=Agejet::AESTHETIC; Agejet::DIV=Agejet::DIV_HIGH; Agejet::max_energy=2; break; case 17: Agejet::model=Agejet::MEDICAL; Agejet::DIV=Agejet::DIV_HIGH; Agejet::max_energy=4; break; case 32: Agejet::model=Agejet::AESTHETIC_LOW; Agejet::DIV=Agejet::DIV_LOW; Agejet::max_energy=2; break; case 33: Agejet::model=Agejet::MEDICAL_LOW; Agejet::max_energy=4; Agejet::DIV=Agejet::DIV_LOW; break; default: model_error=true; break; } }
In general please paste the text of error messages, don't make people to go external on an unclickable link. -
This post is deleted!
I really meant, paste the text of the message and the text of the (surrounding) lines of code. Not many people like looking at big pictures, and then not being to copy any text out of them so that we have to type everything in ourselves....Anyway, what do you expect people to say? You have a line
That makes no sense in C++, hence the compiler error. I have no idea what you are intending here. Purely judging by indentation, maybe all the subsequent code is supposed inside a function definition ofimport_programs()
but I really don't know. There are other problems in the code when you do sort this out. Don't know if you have (mis-)copy/pasted from somewhere. -
#include "bootwindow.h" #include "ui_bootwindow.h" #include "agejet.h" #include "main_window.h" #include "treatment.h" #include <openssl/aes.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdio> #include <QProcess> #include <stdio.h> #include <QTranslator> BootWindow::BootWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::BootWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); this->move(0,0); this->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint); timer.singleShot(200,this,SLOT(set_up())); } BootWindow::~BootWindow() { delete ui; } void BootWindow::set_up() { ifstream file_version; string line; file_version.open("/home/"+Agejet::home_name.toStdString()+"/version"); if(file_version.is_open()){ getline(file_version,line); Agejet::software_version = QString::fromStdString(line); file_version.close(); } ifstream mac_file; const char *cmd; QString q_cmd = "cat /sys/class//net/eth0/address > /home/"+Agejet::home_name+"/mac"; cmd = q_cmd.toLatin1().data(); system(cmd); mac_file.open("/home/"+Agejet::home_name.toStdString()+"/mac"); if(mac_file.is_open()){ QString q_cfg_line; string cfg_line; getline(mac_file,cfg_line); q_cfg_line = QString::fromStdString(cfg_line); Agejet::mac =q_cfg_line; mac_file.close(); } ifstream psw_file; psw_file.open("/home/"+Agejet::home_name.toStdString()+"/PSW"); if(psw_file.is_open()){ QString q_psw_line; string psw_line; getline(psw_file,psw_line); q_psw_line = QString::fromStdString(psw_line); Agejet::customer_psw = q_psw_line; psw_file.close(); if(Agejet::customer_psw == Agejet::our_psw){ Agejet::our_psw = "17093"; } } Agejet::error_type=Agejet::NO_ERR; QString prog = "/home/"+Agejet::home_name+"/find_usb"; QStringList arg; QProcess *proc = new QProcess(this); connect(proc,SIGNAL(finished(int)),this,SLOT(set_up_usb_paths(int))); proc->start(prog, arg); } void BootWindow::set_up_usb_paths(int err) { ifstream paths_file; string line; paths_file.open(Agejet::rfid_serial_path_file.toLatin1()); QString rfid_pth = ""; if(paths_file.is_open()){ getline(paths_file,line); rfid_pth = QString::fromStdString(line); Agejet::rfid_serial_path=rfid_pth; paths_file.close(); } else { if(!rfid_pth.contains("tty")){ Agejet::error_type=Agejet::RFID_RDR_NOT_FOUND; } else { Agejet::error_type=Agejet::PATHS_ERR; open_main_window(); return; } } paths_file.open(Agejet::sr_path_file.toLatin1()); if(paths_file.is_open()){ getline(paths_file,line); QString module_pth = QString::fromStdString(line); Agejet::sr_path=module_pth; paths_file.close(); } else { Agejet::error_type=Agejet::PATHS_ERR; open_main_window(); return; } if(!rfid_pth.contains("tty")){ Agejet::error_type=Agejet::RFID_RDR_NOT_FOUND; } load_language(); } void BootWindow::create_treatments() { if(Agejet::actual_language_name == "ita"){ Treatment *t = new Treatment(0,QString("Ringiovanimento cutaneo")); tr_type sr1{"Epidermide","Epidermide\nVery Low Energy \n1 J","viso completo - collo \ndécolleté - mani ",1,"1-4","2-3 giorni","4 settimane",1,1,true}; tr_type sr2{"Derma Superficiale","Derma \nSuperficiale\nLow Energy \n1.5 J","viso completo - collo \ndécolleté - mani ",1,"1-4","4-5 giorni","3 settimane",1,1.5,true}; tr_type sr3{"Derma Reticolare","Derma \nReticolare \nHigh Energy \n3 J","viso completo - collo \ndécolleté - mani ",1,"1-4","7-10 giorni","non definito",1,3,false}; tr_type sr4{"Rimodellamento Profondo","Rimodellamento \nProfondo \nHigh Energy\n4 J","viso completo - collo\ndécolleté - mani ",1,"1-4","7-10 giorni","non definito",1,4,false}; t->add_tr_type(sr1); t->add_tr_type(sr2); t->add_tr_type(sr3); t->add_tr_type(sr4); Agejet::skin_resurfacing=t; t = new Treatment(1,QString("Lassità Cutanea")); tr_type sl1{"Lassità Cutanea","Lassità Cutanea \n2 J","nasolabiale",2,"1-4","5-7 giorni","non definito",1,2,false}; t->add_tr_type(sl1); Agejet::skin_laxity=t; t = new Treatment(2,QString("Cicatrici da Acne")); tr_type as1{"Cicatrici da Acne","Cicatrici da Acne \n4 J","cicatrici",1,"1-4","7-10 giorni","non definito",1,4,false}; t->add_tr_type(as1); Agejet::acne=t; t = new Treatment(3,QString("Iperpigmentazione")); tr_type pi1{"Low Energy","Viso\nLow Energy \n1.5 J","macchie del viso",1,"1-4","4-5 giorni","3 settimane",1,1.5,true}; t->add_tr_type(pi1); tr_type pi2{"High Energy","Viso\nHigh Energy \n2.5 J","macchie del viso",1,"1-4","5-7 giorni","non definito",1,2.5,false}; t->add_tr_type(pi2); tr_type pi3{"High Energy","Corpo \nHigh Energy \n3 J","macchie cutanee \n(corpo)",1,"1-4","5-7 giorni","non definito",1,3,false}; t->add_tr_type(pi3); Agejet::pigmentation=t; t = new Treatment(4,QString("Blefaroplastica non chirurgica")); tr_type bl1{"Blefaroplastica \nnon chirurgica","Blefaroplastica \nnon chirurgica \n3.5 J","regione periorbitale",1,"1-4","7-10 giorni","non definito",1,3.5,false}; t->add_tr_type(bl1); Agejet::blefaro=t; t = new Treatment(5,QString("Trattamento personalizzato")); tr_type cu1{"Trattamento personalizzato","","",1,"","","",1,3.5,false}; Agejet::custom=t; t->add_tr_type(cu1); } else { if (Agejet::actual_language_name == "eng"){ Treatment *t = new Treatment(0,QString("Skin Resurfacing")); tr_type sr1{"Upper Layer","Upper Layer\nVery Low Energy \n1 J","full face - neck \ndécolletage - hand ",1,"1-4","2-3 days","4 weeks",1,1,true}; tr_type sr2{"Upper Dermis ","Upper Dermis\nLow Energy \n1.5 J","full face - neck \ndécolletage - hand ",1,"1-4","4-5 days","3 weeks",1,1.5,true}; tr_type sr3{"Middle Dermis","Middle Dermis \nHigh Energy \n3 J","full face - neck \ndécolletage - hand ",1,"1-4","7-10 days","not defined weeks",1,3,false}; tr_type sr4{"Deep Resurfacing","Deep \nRemodeling \nHigh Energy\n4 J","full face - neck \ndécolletage - hand ",1,"1-4","7-10 days","not defined weeks",1,4,false}; t->add_tr_type(sr1); t->add_tr_type(sr2); t->add_tr_type(sr3); t->add_tr_type(sr4); Agejet::skin_resurfacing=t; t = new Treatment(1,QString("Skin Laxity")); tr_type sl1{"Skin Laxity","Skin Laxity \n2 J","nasolabial",2,"1-4","5-7 days","not defined weeks",1,2,false}; t->add_tr_type(sl1); Agejet::skin_laxity=t; t = new Treatment(2,QString("Acne Scares")); tr_type as1{"Acne Scares","Acne Scars \n4 J","scars",1,"1-4","7-10 days","not defined weeks",1,4,false}; t->add_tr_type(as1); Agejet::acne=t; t = new Treatment(3,QString("Hyperpigmentation")); tr_type pi1{"Low Energy","Face\nLow Energy \n1.5 J","facial skin patches",1,"1-4","4-5 days","3 weeks",1,1.5,true}; t->add_tr_type(pi1); tr_type pi2{"High Energy","Face\nHigh Energy \n2.5 J","facial skin patches",1,"1-4","5-7 days","not defined weeks",1,2.5,false}; t->add_tr_type(pi2); tr_type pi3{"High Energy","Body \nHigh Energy \n3 J","skin patches \n(body)",1,"1-4","5-7 days","not defined weeks",1,3,false}; t->add_tr_type(pi3); Agejet::pigmentation=t; t = new Treatment(4,QString("Non-surgical Blepharoplasty")); tr_type bl1{"Non-surgical\nBlefaroplasty","Non-surgical\nBlepharoplasty \n3.5 J","ocular Zone",1,"1-4","7-10 days","not defined weeks",1,3.5,false}; t->add_tr_type(bl1); Agejet::blefaro=t; t = new Treatment(5,QString("Custom")); tr_type cu1{"Custom","","",1,"","","",1,2,false}; Agejet::custom=t; t->add_tr_type(cu1); } else { if(Agejet::actual_language_name == "rus"){ Treatment *t = new Treatment(0,QString("Шлифовка кожи")); tr_type sr1{"ВЕРХНИЙ \n СЛОЙ КОЖИ","ВЕРХНИЙ \n СЛОЙ КОЖИ \n Очень \n низкая мощн. \n1 Дж","лицо - шея - \nзона декольте - руки ",1,"1-4","2-3 дня","4 недели",1,1,true}; tr_type sr2{"ВНУТРЕННИЙ \n СЛОЙ КОЖИ/ДЕРМА","ВНУТРЕННИЙ \n СЛОЙ КОЖИ/\n ДЕРМА \n Низкая мощн. \n1.5 Дж","лицо - шея -\n зона декольте - руки ",1,"1-4","4-5 дней","3 недели",1,1.5,true}; tr_type sr3{"РЕТИКУЛЯРНЫЙ \n СЛОЙ ДЕРМЫ","РЕТИКУЛЯРНЫЙ \n СЛОЙ ДЕРМЫ \n Высокая мощн. \n3 Дж","Лицо - шея - \nзона декольте - руки ",1,"1-4","7-10 дней","не задано",1,3,false}; tr_type sr4{"ГЛУБОКОЕ РЕМОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ КОЖИ","ГЛУБОКОЕ \n РЕМОДЕЛИРОВ-Е \n КОЖИ \n Высокая мощн.\n4 Дж","лицо- шея -\n зона декольте - руки",1,"1-4","7-10 дней","не задано",1,4,false}; t->add_tr_type(sr1); t->add_tr_type(sr2); t->add_tr_type(sr3); t->add_tr_type(sr4); Agejet::skin_resurfacing=t; t = new Treatment(1,QString("Вялость кожи")); tr_type sl1{"Вялость кожи","Вялость кожи \n2 Дж","носогубная\n",2,"1-4","5-7 дней","не задано",1,2,false}; t->add_tr_type(sl1); Agejet::skin_laxity=t; t = new Treatment(2,QString("Шрамы постакне")); tr_type as1{"Шрамы \n постакне","Шрамы \n постакне \n4 Дж","рубцы\n",1,"1-4","7-10 дней","не задано",1,4,false}; t->add_tr_type(as1); Agejet::acne=t; t = new Treatment(3,QString("Гиперпигментация")); tr_type pi1{"Низкая мощность","Лицо\n Низкая мощн. \n1.5 Дж","пигментные пятна \nна лице",1,"1-4","4-5 дней","3 недели",1,1.5,true}; t->add_tr_type(pi1); tr_type pi2{"Высокая мощность","Лицо\n Высокая мощн. \n2.5 Дж","пигментные пятна \nна лице",1,"1-4","5-7 дней","не задано",1,2.5,false}; t->add_tr_type(pi2); tr_type pi3{"Высокая мощность","Тело \n Высокая мощн. \n3 Дж","пятна на коже \n(тело)",1,"1-4","5-7 дней","не задано",1,3,false}; t->add_tr_type(pi3); Agejet::pigmentation=t; t = new Treatment(4,QString("Нехирургическая \n блефаропластика")); tr_type bl1{"Нехирургическая \n блефаропластика","Нехирургическая\n блефаропластика \n3.5 Дж","периорбитальная зона\n",1,"1-4","7-10 дней","не задано",1,3.5,false}; t->add_tr_type(bl1); Agejet::blefaro=t; t = new Treatment(5,QString("Персонализированные процедуры")); tr_type cu1{"Персонализированные процедуры","","",1,"","","",1,2,false}; Agejet::custom=t; t->add_tr_type(cu1); } } } } import_programs(); ifstream model_file; string line; model_file.open(Agejet::model_path); bool model_error=false; if(model_file.is_open()){ getline(model_file,line); QString model = QString::fromStdString(line); int model_int = model.toInt(); switch (model_int) { case 16: Agejet::model=Agejet::AESTHETIC; Agejet::DIV=Agejet::DIV_HIGH; Agejet::max_energy=2; break; case 17: Agejet::model=Agejet::MEDICAL; Agejet::DIV=Agejet::DIV_HIGH; Agejet::max_energy=4; break; case 32: Agejet::model=Agejet::AESTHETIC_LOW; Agejet::DIV=Agejet::DIV_LOW; Agejet::max_energy=2; break; case 33: Agejet::model=Agejet::MEDICAL_LOW; Agejet::max_energy=4; Agejet::DIV=Agejet::DIV_LOW; break; default: model_error=true; break; } } else { //..... } model_file.close(); load_shoots(); } void BootWindow::import_programs() { Agejet::prog_1=Program::import_program(Agejet::prog_path+Agejet::prog_1_name); Agejet::prog_2=Program::import_program(Agejet::prog_path+Agejet::prog_2_name); Agejet::prog_3=Program::import_program(Agejet::prog_path+Agejet::prog_3_name); Agejet::prog_4=Program::import_program(Agejet::prog_path+Agejet::prog_4_name); } void BootWindow::load_shoots() { ifstream shoots_file; string line; shoots_file.open(Agejet::hp_shoots_count_path); if(shoots_file.is_open()){ getline(shoots_file,line); bool ok; QString shoots = QString::fromStdString(line); int hp_s = shoots.toInt(&ok,10); if(!ok){//.... Agejet::actual_hp_shoots=0; } else Agejet::actual_hp_shoots=hp_s; } else { Agejet::actual_hp_shoots=0; } shoots_file.close(); shoots_file.open(Agejet::tips_shoots_count_path); if(shoots_file.is_open()){ getline(shoots_file,line); bool ok; QString shoots = QString::fromStdString(line); int hp_s = shoots.toInt(&ok,10); if(!ok){//.... Agejet::actual_tips_shoots=0; } else Agejet::actual_tips_shoots=hp_s; } else { Agejet::actual_tips_shoots=0; } boot(); } void BootWindow::load_language() { ifstream language; string lang; language.open("/home/"+Agejet::home_name.toStdString()+"/lan"); if(language.is_open()){ getline(language,lang); QString qLan = QString::fromStdString(lang); if(qLan.contains("ita")){ QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(); if(translator->load("/home/triworker/agejet_it.qm")){ QApplication::installTranslator(translator); Agejet::actual_language = translator; Agejet::actual_language_name = "ita"; mes_dialog.set_ita(); err_dialog.set_ita(); cout<<"ita"<<endl;} else { mes_dialog.set_eng(); err_dialog.set_eng();cout<<"eng"<<endl; } } else { if(qLan.contains("rus")){ cout<<"russo"<<endl; QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(); if(translator->load("/home/triworker/agejet_ru.qm")){ QApplication::installTranslator(translator); Agejet::actual_language = translator; Agejet::actual_language_name = "rus"; mes_dialog.set_russ(); err_dialog.set_russ(); Agejet::Hz="Гц"; Agejet::J="Дж"; } else { mes_dialog.set_eng(); err_dialog.set_eng();cout<<"eng"<<endl; } } //if(qLan.contains("ita")){ // mes_dialog.set_eng(); //err_dialog.set_eng(); //} } } else { mes_dialog.set_eng(); err_dialog.set_eng(); } language.close(); create_treatments(); } void BootWindow::boot() { connect(&Agejet::sr_works,SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(open_main_window())); Agejet::sr_works.sw_function="boot"; Agejet::sr_works.start(); } void BootWindow::open_main_window() { if(Agejet::test){ mes_dialog.set_language(); } disconnect(&Agejet::sr_works,SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(open_main_window())); Main_Window *win = new Main_Window(); this->close(); win->show(); }
‘model_file’ does not name a type line: 255
expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘;’ token: line 252
expected unqualified-id before ‘if’: line 257 -
Same question: it's just a C++ issue, only you know what you intend when you get to the line
in the middle of the file outside of any function definitions, because I don't know.... -
@AntonioValentin As @JonB wrote: that bunch of code is outside of any function/method and is invalid for that reason.
Also if saying error is in line 255 you could at least mark that line in the code you posted, because else people have to count the lines to find out which line that actually is (and this only works if you posted whole content of the file).