QT GUI Designing
Hi Folks,
I have requirement of creating GUIPages as same as of the attached pictures. As i'm new to qt i'm not able to find/locate the lib. which i have to use.
Image 1:
In this page i have to add multiple images with drop down menu. I have tried with toolbuttons and push buttons but not able to match the requirement.Image 2:
In this image i have one page and in the side bar(i.e may be line-widget) i have multiple option menu and after clicking on each it's redirecting us to another page but the sidebar menu is same in every page.Any leads will be appriciated.
If anybody has any idea or similar project/code please share fro the reference.
Thanks in advance .
image url)
@Ashutosh_Sachdeva said in QT GUI Designing:
find/locate the lib
Don't know what lib you mean.
Left side: QListView https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qlistview.html
Right side: QStackedWidget https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstackedwidget.html -
@jsulm Hi,
Thanku for the response and any idea regarding this image_1
Can we store the last page address in linewidget action items?
@Ashutosh_Sachdeva said in QT GUI Designing:
Can we store the last page address in linewidget action items?
Sure, if you use QMenu for that see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmenu.html#setActiveAction Just remember which action was activated last time.
This post is deleted!
@Ashutosh_Sachdeva said in QT GUI Designing:
it was showing error
Without posting the actual error you can't get an answer.