[Solved] Setting the Symbian statuspane in Qt-application
How can one set the Symbian status pane layout ( h"ttp://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Status_pane_layout":http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Status_pane_layout ) in a Qt application? I want to set the status pane layout to small instead of the default one. I don't want a fullscreen app though as suggested in some other posts.
I tried with a piece of native code inside the app ( see "http://futurice.pastebin.com/AubhXLu6":http://futurice.pastebin.com/AubhXLu6 ) to set it but it isn't working. I end up with a null pointer in CEikStatusPane* statusPane.
Any ideas how can I manage this?
Try accessing it using CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUiFactory()->StatusPane();
Note that Qt S60 app framework creates the status pane and control pane rather late (on demand), so you might need to try and access the StatusPane later in your code (your code paste didn't really indicate at which stage of your app constructing you are trying this).
Oh yeah, that was the problem. I got it set when I moved it a bit further. Thx.