Design Qt GUI for CLIPS expert systems
Hi all,
I am a student who is task to design a Qt GUI for CLIPS v6.30. However, I am not sure what are the libraries needed and how can I link this two application together? Please let me know if there is any guide and walkthrough out there that can give some guidance. Thank you.
Beginner -
@Bryan-Chua Please explain what you mean by "how can I link this two application together"? What is your GUI going to do?
To start with GUI programming please read and take a look at the examples. Also, you can find tutorial on the Internet, for example -
Thank you for the reply. I am trying to learn how to design a Qt GUI to display and answer question from my CLIPS program.
Below is an example of what I am trying to achieve.CLIPS v6.3
VS window application
@bryan-chua Is this CLIPS a console application?
Sorry for the late reply, CLIPS is a rule-based programming language, its interface "clips v6.4" is a command-line interface. So my task is to design a Qt GUI to better represent the output from CLIPS.
Currently, I am facing issues with the importing of clips library into Qt VS. In sourceforge, a CLIPSwrapped library is provided, however, I am not sure how to "import" this wrapped library in Qt VS such that I can call the CLIPS functions in my Qt main.cpp. Please let me know on what I should do. Thank you.