How to solve the assert failure
when i disconnect my server , the application throws an error saying
ASSERT failure in QCoreApplication::sendEvent: "Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread. Current thread be0cf8. Receiver '' (of type 'QNativeSocketEngine') was created in thread cc39d4"
I am not under standing what is causing the problem
i have three threads running in my application ,
void MainWindow::on_pushbutton_clicked() { ui->pushbutton->setDisabled(true); thread1.m_TargetIpAddress.setAddress(IP Address); thread1.m_iTargetPort = ui->TargetPortNumber->text().toInt(); thread1.start(); thread2.start(); }
1st thread :
some of the socket operations like send , receive , connecttotarget , disconnectfrom host are done here
2nd thread :
i will connect to server from second thread.
3rd thread :
In this i will continuously send some command and receive some data from server.
I am using while(var) , when ever connection is established this var value will be updated to one and when ever server disconnects var value is updated as 0(zero) . thread 3 will be started once connection is established with server .These are my sequence . Now my problem is when the server disconnects , I dont get the disconnected signal emitted from my application .
this is my signal and slot
connect(&obj, &QTcpSocket::disconnected,this,&MainWindow::TargetConnectionStatus,Qt::UniqueConnection);
TargetConnectionStatus() { var = 0; }
as this slots is not being emitted the thread is continuously running and suddenly this assert failure occurs , How to solve this error .
Where are you creating the QTcpSocket objects ?