Qt Creator on MacOS: do not building release for Android. Why?
General and Desktop
Hello all!
After update of Qt Creator got this issue: do not build release for Android x86 (ignored release and build debug even if chosen release ) and do not open directory with (it's working only if chosen debug). It's happening only if I am choosing "release" on debug everything OK.
In "release" it's ignoring settings of Qt Creator.
How to fix it?
At time of building I have this message:
BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 10s 29 actionable tasks: 29 executed Android package built successfully in 12.929 ms. -- File: /Users/alexandr/Projects/Build/Android_for_x86_Clang_Qt_5_12_3_for_Android_x86-Release/android-build//build/outputs/apk/debug/android-build-debug.apk
It's building "release" but not switching off the building of "debug" in *.apk
Why it's might be?There are everywhere switched off "debug".
When I am trying to "Run" application, but not only "Build" it's building released *.apk and I have this message:
Success Android package built successfully in 2.364 ms. -- It can now be run from the selected device/emulator. -- File: /Users/alexandr/Projects/Build/Android_for_x86_Clang_Qt_5_12_3_for_Android_x86-Release/android-build//build/outputs/apk/release/android-build-release-signed.apk