QtCreator and multiple monitors
I also use two monitors. The bigger screen I use for Qt Creator and in the other screen I open the documentation in some browser.
But I agree: it would be good to have Qt Creator windows in two (or more!) screens.
Alexandra: We do have wishlist bugs for multi monitor support. E.g. "QTCREATORBUG-45":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-45
Unfortunately we have not yet come up with a good way to do it. Suggestions are always welcome! Of course demos and merge requests are even more welcome:-)
[quote author="Utku" date="1274805272"]Documentation in one screen, and the code or the designer in the other screen... It would be awesome.[/quote]
I do that all the time, by simply having one instance of QtCreator and one instance of QtAssistant open; each one on their own screen. Works nicely for me!
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1277302790"]Alexandra: We do have wishlist bugs for multi monitor support. E.g. "QTCREATORBUG-45":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-45
Unfortunately we have not yet come up with a good way to do it. Suggestions are always welcome! Of course demos and merge requests are even more welcome:-)[/quote]
Cool. At least it will not just be forgotten. :)
bq. I do that all the time, by simply having one instance of QtCreator and one instance of QtAssistant open; each one on their own screen. Works nicely for me!
I also do that. But, it will be useful to have possibility to show context help (F1) from cpp file in the Creatosr to the Assistant on second screen or detach cpp file and move it to the second screen. It's useful to have one *.h file on the first screen and *.cpp file on the second screen.
I don't know if everybody is aware of this: since it is already filed as a wishlist bug in our bugtracker you can vote for it! It's of course not a guarantee for a coming implementation but it increases the chances if there are many people voting for a bug.
Because I read someone mentioning debugging windows, that is actually one of the few things that should work wrt multiple monitors:
In Debug Mode uncheck Window->Views->Locked, you can then drag the debugger views around, and also float them. When you've decided about your favorite layout, just re-check Locked to get rid of the visual clutter again (floating states etc will be preserved). -
Eike, yeah you're right. But it will be awesome to have complete debug panel detaching (with start/stop/step buttons).
You could always have the separate panels render as separate windows, and separate processes, using a hub process for communication between them.
now if i could get Gnome to like dragging windows to a separate X desktop..... it lets me move the mouse just fine, but it hates dragging windows... I can't just set it up as a dual view, because my graphics card doesn't like me, dual CRT's it really doesn't like, it says it's too much work :D. It's already forced me to make wine emulate a virtual desktop, just to be able to see everything. At this point I wish it Couldn't render monitors at 320 by 175 pixels, as that's what it keeps wanting to do....
what I noticed for multiple monitors is, that if you close creator in maximized mode, and start it again after, it is maximized on your primary screen, not on the screen where you closed it. Im working on Windows7 64bit. Is it a bug or are there any reasons for that?
wait, why aren't you using it on your main monitor and using the secondary one for reference? I have a dual monitor setup so i do at least know what your talking about, although i am using Ubuntu linux, and have the second monitor configured as a seperate X session, so the windows don't really drag, but oh well (i can't get my 512mb nvidia graphics card to like linux, and i don't want to buy windows, so i'm working with it as i am able, hopefully i can manage to get it to support a decent resolution on both monitors (their both CRT monitors at 1024 by 768 pixels, i would prefer they be at 1280 by 1024, but the graphics card doesn't seem to like that idea)
because of the position of the screens, i want to have on my left screen, the documentation on my right.
Also my taskbar shall be on the right aswell as some other applications (Browser, outlook etc.). so it makes more sence to me that the right one is the primary monitor, since on the left is only creator. -
I use last QtCreator from "http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator":http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator and it's really comfortable to have documentation in the separate window on the second screen. Thanks:)
[marked up link, Tobias Hunger]
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1277302790"]Unfortunately we have not yet come up with a good way to do it. Suggestions are always welcome! Of course demos and merge requests are even more welcome:-)[/quote]
Hmm... ==sigh== if only I could create an extra ten or twelve hours a day, or not need to sleep or something, this would all be so much easier :)
[quote author="GordonSchumacher" date="1291820857"]Hmm... ==sigh== if only I could create an extra ten or twelve hours a day, or not need to sleep or something, this would all be so much easier :)[/quote]
Here is a book I enjoyed about a future where some people don't need sleep: "Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress":http://www.amazon.com/Beggars-Spain-Nancy-Kress/dp/0060733489