QFile - read bytes, x at a time, x +offset?
I'm trying to read part of the file to decide if I wish to read all of the file... can any1 help me out fill in the blank?
QByteArray someData; QByteArray da; QDataStream s(&da, QIODevice::WriteOnly); s << (int) 1412 << (quint16) 123143 << (bool) true << (int) someData.size() << someData; QFile f(path); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { int initial = 0; quint16 qinitial = 0; bool good = false; int dataSize = 0; QByteArray inData = f.read(sizeof(int) + sizeof(quint16) + sizeof(bool) + sizeof(int));/// Is this correct? QDataStream in(&inData,QIODevice::ReadOnly); in>>initial>>qinitial>>good>>dataSize; if(good){ /// Read f.read(dataSize) ??? How to read rest? } }
@Dariusz Why you not simply use a QDataStream from file?
QByteArray someData; QByteArray da; QDataStream s(&da, QIODevice::WriteOnly); s << (int) 1412 << (quint16) 123143 << (bool) true << (int) someData.size() << someData; QFile f(path); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QDataStream inData(&f); int initial; quint16 qinitial; bool good; int dataSize; inData>>initial>>qinitial>>good>>dataSize; if(good){ QByteArray buffer; buffer.resize(dataSize); inData.readRawData(buffer.data(), dataSize); } }
@KroMignon looks interesting, but I want to read from xx byte to xx byte. Not all of it.
Also ohh hmmmm that looks interesting, did not know I can do it. So if I do dataStream, hell only read specific bytes automaticly? Damn thats neat o.o / still what about reading just xx to xx ?
Hmm I suppose I could just use skiPrawData(int) < I guess its skipRawData(sizeof(int)) or just the size I stored early.
@Dariusz Simply seek to the position where you want to read and then read the amount of bytes you need.
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qiodevice.html#read-1You can seek to the beginning of the file if you decide to read whole file.