Delete a QRect in QGraphicsView
Well i am trying to delete some rect from a QGraphicView but it is kind of hard to do it since i need to delete it when i double click it so i have to get the position first and then get the position of the cursor ( where it clicked twice ) and compare these two.
I am not sure of what i have done ( cause it s not working ).
So this is what it looks like :
The points ( red and blue ) are created randomly and they move randomly but when i want to delete them of course i stop it.- The red and blue point is a sub-class of QGraphicsRectItem
- The lines in green is a sub-class of QGraphicsPixmapItem
- All this is in a sub-class of QGraphicsView
So this is what i have done so far :
1- i can add as many "ants(blue/red points" as i want with a function, so whenever i create an "ant" i add the random position(X,Y) to an array , X to an array called antPosX and the Y one is antPosY. this is how i add the positions :
antPosX[posIndex]=xCase; antPosY[posIndex]=yCase;
and i increment posIndex of course. after that i have redefined the function for mouse double click (this is in the class1 QGraphicsView) :
void InterfaceAutomate::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QGraphicsView *ev) { x = ev->pos().y(); y = ev->pos().y(); emit antClicked(); }
Then in MainWindow :
and in deleteAnt, this is what i do: ( i change the window title just to see if the program got into this function )
setWindowTitle("changed"); int foundedIndexX=0; int foundedIndexY=0; for(int i=0;i<=vueAutomate->posIndex;i++){ if(vueAutomate->x==vueAutomate->antPosX[i]){ foundedIndexX = i; } } for(int i=0;i<=vueAutomate->posIndex;i++){ if(vueAutomate->y==vueAutomate->antPosY[i]){ foundedIndexY = i; } } if(foundedIndexY == foundedIndexX){} else{ vueAutomate->SupprimerFourmi(); // deleteAnt }
Why not re-implement mouseDoubleClickEvent from your custom
? There you can emit a signal that basically says "delete me" and connect a slot to it that will do the deletion from the scene. -
Thanks @SGaist again for the reply
Yes i have tried it but it does not seem to work. The base code is published for us and we have to modify it. That is why i ahve not tried what you said before.
so basically i solved the problem and now i am displaying the posX and posY and also where the cursor clicked twice.
this is what i get :QPointF(163.861,63.0236) 16 6
QPointF is where the cursor clicked and btw i clicked on the first "point" created . and the second line is posX and last one is posY ( posX and posY is where the point is created for real )
So i guess the cursor is giving me the coordinates while taking the window edges as reference . i can not figure out how i can fix it only on the scene .
this is what i am using :QPointF mousePoint = mapToScene(event->pos());
Something is not clear, what exactly did you implement that is working ?
The double Clicking was not working when i made this post, now it is working fine.
You can use the QGraphicsScene::items to get the list of items under that point.
Why not make the items selectable and QGraphicsScene::selectedItems ?