converting qbyte array to string
@Anna_64 I'm still not sure I understand you correctly as neither x[j] not y[j] are Base64 strings.
Check the links I provided abote to see how de decode Base64 into a QByteArray and then to a string.
Also, if you want to send it to a device then you don't need to convert it to a string just use the QByteArray you get from fromBase64() method. -
@jsulm QString s[64];
for(int j=0;j<64;j++){
s[j] ="<UpdateFirmware><Size>2048</Size><Data>"+QByteArray::fromBase64(x[j])+"</Data><Offset>008192</Offset>"+QByteArray::fromBase64(y[j])+"</UpdateFirmware>";
i have converted my q byte array of base 64 and s[j] should be sent into my device but its showing error -
@Anna_64 said in converting qbyte array to string:
showing error
if you get an error you should post it here...
@Anna_64 {
QByteArray uq;
uq[0] = 0xAA;
uq[1] = 0x55;
uq[2] = 0x04;
uq[3] = 0x00;
uq[4] = 0x00;
uq[5] = 0xC0;
uq[6] = 0xBB;
after this write command i have to close serial port and wait for 5 sec and open serial port and send data so after
QThread::sleep(5);but it gives error like device not opened -
@jsulm QByteArray uq;
uq[0] = 0xAA;
uq[1] = 0x55;
uq[2] = 0x04;
uq[3] = 0x00;
uq[4] = 0x00;
uq[5] = 0xC0;
uq[6] = 0xBB;
after this write command i have to close serial port and wait for 5 sec and open serial port and send data so after
QThread::sleep(5);but it gives error like device not opened -
@Anna_64 You should first wait until data was written before calling close(). See
@jsulm QString s[64];
QString test ="";
QByteArray testfinal;
for(int j=0;j<64;j++)
QString offsetAddress=QString::number(j*1024).rightJustified(6, '0');
s[j] = "<UpdateFirmware><Size>2048</Size><Data>"+x[j]+"</Data><Offset>"+offsetAddress+"</Offset><Signature>"+y[j]+"</Signature></UpdateFirmware>";
//s[j] ="<UpdateFirmware><Size>2048</Size><Data>"+x[j]+"</Data><Offset>008192</Offset><Signature>"+y[j]+"</Signature></UpdateFirmware>";
i am trying to send this string message to my device and do updation but only 15% updation s happening theres no error as well but with testing i found complete updation s not happening
can u plz figure it which part of data not working i guess it s the offset adress part