Error QMYSQL Plugin on Windows
In Qt Creator's Run part of the Project panel, did you add the path to the MySQL dlls in the PATH environment variable ?
@SGaist Let me understand.
First of all, do you mean I have to add that path "C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Connector C 6.1\lib" or this path "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\lib"
Second of all, where do I have to add ? (see picture1 and picture2) ?
Then again, start your application with the QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS environment variable to see what is happening.
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() checking directory path "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers" ... QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlite.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlite.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QSQLITE" ] }, "archreq": 0, "className": "QSQLiteDriverPlugin", "debug": false, "version": 330752 } "The plugin 'C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlite.dll' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)" not a plugin QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlited.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlited.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QSQLITE" ] }, "archreq": 1, "className": "QSQLiteDriverPlugin", "debug": true, "version": 330752 } Got keys from plugin meta data ("QSQLITE") QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysql.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysql.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QMYSQL3", "QMYSQL" ] }, "archreq": 0, "className": "QMYSQLDriverPlugin", "debug": false, "version": 330752 } "The plugin 'C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysql.dll' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)" not a plugin QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QMYSQL3", "QMYSQL" ] }, "archreq": 1, "className": "QMYSQLDriverPlugin", "debug": true, "version": 330752 } Got keys from plugin meta data ("QMYSQL3", "QMYSQL") QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlodbc.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlodbc.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QODBC3", "QODBC" ] }, "archreq": 0, "className": "QODBCDriverPlugin", "debug": false, "version": 330752 } "The plugin 'C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlodbc.dll' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)" not a plugin QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlodbcd.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlodbcd.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QODBC3", "QODBC" ] }, "archreq": 1, "className": "QODBCDriverPlugin", "debug": true, "version": 330752 } Got keys from plugin meta data ("QODBC3", "QODBC") QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlpsql.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlpsql.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QPSQL7", "QPSQL" ] }, "archreq": 0, "className": "QPSQLDriverPlugin", "debug": false, "version": 330752 } "The plugin 'C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlpsql.dll' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)" not a plugin QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlpsqld.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlpsqld.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QPSQL7", "QPSQL" ] }, "archreq": 1, "className": "QPSQLDriverPlugin", "debug": true, "version": 330752 } Got keys from plugin meta data ("QPSQL7", "QPSQL") QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() checking directory path "E:/Qt Creator/build-sql_console_test-Desktop_Qt_5_12_1_MinGW_64_bit-Debug/debug/sqldrivers" ... Cannot load library C:\Qt\Qt5.12.1\5.12.1\mingw73_64\plugins\sqldrivers\qsqlmysqld.dll: The specified module could not be found. QLibraryPrivate::loadPlugin failed on "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll" : "Cannot load library C:\\Qt\\Qt5.12.1\\5.12.1\\mingw73_64\\plugins\\sqldrivers\\qsqlmysqld.dll: The specified module could not be found." QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QMYSQL QMYSQL3 QODBC QODBC3 QPSQL QPSQL7 Database is Not Connected!
Looks like you only built the plugin for release and not for debug and you are running a debug build of your application.
Add -debug to the qmake call
@SGaist I've called the qmake in debug mode, run the code and again Database is Not Connected!
Then again, I have start the application with the QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS environment variable and I get the next messageQFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() checking directory path "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers" ... QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlite.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlite.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QSQLITE" ] }, "archreq": 0, "className": "QSQLiteDriverPlugin", "debug": false, "version": 330752 } "The plugin 'C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlite.dll' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)" not a plugin QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlited.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlited.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QSQLITE" ] }, "archreq": 1, "className": "QSQLiteDriverPlugin", "debug": true, "version": 330752 } Got keys from plugin meta data ("QSQLITE") QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysql.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysql.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QMYSQL3", "QMYSQL" ] }, "archreq": 0, "className": "QMYSQLDriverPlugin", "debug": false, "version": 330752 } "The plugin 'C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysql.dll' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)" not a plugin QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QMYSQL3", "QMYSQL" ] }, "archreq": 1, "className": "QMYSQLDriverPlugin", "debug": true, "version": 330752 } Got keys from plugin meta data ("QMYSQL3", "QMYSQL") QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlodbc.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlodbc.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QODBC3", "QODBC" ] }, "archreq": 0, "className": "QODBCDriverPlugin", "debug": false, "version": 330752 } "The plugin 'C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlodbc.dll' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)" not a plugin QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlodbcd.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlodbcd.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QODBC3", "QODBC" ] }, "archreq": 1, "className": "QODBCDriverPlugin", "debug": true, "version": 330752 } Got keys from plugin meta data ("QODBC3", "QODBC") QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlpsql.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlpsql.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QPSQL7", "QPSQL" ] }, "archreq": 0, "className": "QPSQLDriverPlugin", "debug": false, "version": 330752 } "The plugin 'C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlpsql.dll' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)" not a plugin QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlpsqld.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlpsqld.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QPSQL7", "QPSQL" ] }, "archreq": 1, "className": "QPSQLDriverPlugin", "debug": true, "version": 330752 } Got keys from plugin meta data ("QPSQL7", "QPSQL") QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() checking directory path "E:/Qt Creator/build-sql_console_test-Desktop_Qt_5_12_1_MinGW_64_bit-Debug/debug/sqldrivers" ... Cannot load library C:\Qt\Qt5.12.1\5.12.1\mingw73_64\plugins\sqldrivers\qsqlmysqld.dll: The specified module could not be found. QLibraryPrivate::loadPlugin failed on "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll" : "Cannot load library C:\\Qt\\Qt5.12.1\\5.12.1\\mingw73_64\\plugins\\sqldrivers\\qsqlmysqld.dll: The specified module could not be found." QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QMYSQL QMYSQL3 QODBC QODBC3 QPSQL QPSQL7 Database is Not Connected!
Cannot load library
: The specified module could not be found.Does the exact file specified by that path actually exist, or not? (Note that the file mentioned,
, has ad
just before the.
, presumably indicating it's a debug build; this is not the same as if it wereqsqlmysql.dll
.) -
To reduce the output, can you move out of that folder all .dll files that are not related to MySQL ?
@SGaist I removed the non-MySQL files
Here is the outputQFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() checking directory path "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers" ... QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysql.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysql.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QMYSQL3", "QMYSQL" ] }, "archreq": 0, "className": "QMYSQLDriverPlugin", "debug": false, "version": 330752 } "The plugin 'C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysql.dll' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)" not a plugin QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll" Found metadata in lib C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll, metadata= { "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface", "MetaData": { "Keys": [ "QMYSQL3", "QMYSQL" ] }, "archreq": 1, "className": "QMYSQLDriverPlugin", "debug": true, "version": 330752 } Got keys from plugin meta data ("QMYSQL3", "QMYSQL") QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() checking directory path "E:/Qt Creator/build-sql_console_test-Desktop_Qt_5_12_1_MinGW_64_bit-Debug/debug/sqldrivers" ... Cannot load library C:\Qt\Qt5.12.1\5.12.1\mingw73_64\plugins\sqldrivers\qsqlmysqld.dll: The specified module could not be found. QLibraryPrivate::loadPlugin failed on "C:/Qt/Qt5.12.1/5.12.1/mingw73_64/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlmysqld.dll" : "Cannot load library C:\\Qt\\Qt5.12.1\\5.12.1\\mingw73_64\\plugins\\sqldrivers\\qsqlmysqld.dll: The specified module could not be found." QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QMYSQL QMYSQL3 Database is Not Connected!
Same file qsqlmysqld.dll
Where exactly are the dlls matching the library you used to build the plugin ?