Qt 5.12 (Beta) + Android (Clang) = App Crash
Mobile and Embedded
According to QTBUG-67464 and Markus' comment here, clang should be now fully supported.
I finally managed to fix the problem. App doesn't crash when compiled with NDK16b!
- install Android Studio (if not already installed)
- download NDK16b and extract it to any location (in my case 'D:\sdk\android-ndk-r16b')
- start Qt Creator
- select menu Tools > Options > Devices, tab Android
- set proper android SDK paths:
- click OK
- open your project (.pro)
- Important! Delete folder containing previous (shadow) build (see path under 'Build directory'):
- under Projects (left bar) > Build & Run, activate Android configuration
- compile & run
I've got the similar problem when changing the Qt from 5.11.1 to 5.12.0
It seems like crashed when the Android App start openning.
After some tracing, I finally found that, the reason is, the App hasn't got the permissions of reading&writing local extra storage. After I add the according permissions mannualy (in system management) , the App runs OK.
The 'permission' also can be added by this way below: