QtWebKitsWidgets/QtGraphicsWebView:No such file or directory
QtWebKit is unavailable since Qt 5.6 onwards -
What Qt version are you using, and how did you install it? You may need to install QtWebKit separately
@Konstantin-Tokarev I have qt5.11.2.I installed it via the offline installer.I have also installed libqt5webkit5 libqt5webkit5-dev on my system
@Konstantin-Tokarev Problem persists.Now can you please tell me how i can make cmake find this file ie from inside qtcreator.I have tried exporting the path to no avail.Thanks
Did you re-run cmake for your project from scratch ?
Just realized, are you trying to mix your distribution provided QtWebkit module with your Qt installation done using the installer ?
Your installer based Qt has absolutely no idea of what you have on your system and you should in any case not mix libraries from different versions of Qt.
There's no "Qt SDK" package in Ubuntu. You can start with qtbase5-dev and then add the dev packages corresponding to the modules you want to use.