Bug in Qt 5.12 drag n'drop ?
Can you give more details about what is not working anymore ?
What version of Qt are you using ?
Did you already check the bug report system for something similar ?
Can you provide a minimal compilable example that shows that behaviour ?
Ok, I'm using Qt 5.12.0 Linux x86_64 downloaded directly from qt.io.
Apparently, this bug (behavior ?) doesn't seem to be listed in the bugs db.
I patched both QWidget::dragEnterEvent() and QWidget::dropEnterEvent() for a specific widget. It has been working for at least 10 years, but with 5.12.0 dragEnterEvent() is executed, and not dropEnterEvent().In my code, I used event->acceptProposedAction() instead of event->setAccepted(true), but it worked fine.
Can you spot any difference between the example and what you do in your application ?
"not that different" can be a big can of worm ;)
Please provide a example - otherwise I don't see how we can spot the problem...
Ok, in that case, get my open source app:
and compile it with qt5.12.0
When compiled and running, drag the "Now" Dataset (on the left column) onto the window named "Standard wheel".Then, the pointer becomes a barred red circle, instead of a black hand for dropping, i.e. dropping is impossible.
When compiled with 5.11 apparently nothing happens because the standard wheel already uses "Now", but it works...
I tried to run your app but I won't let something run as root on my system. Please provide a minimal, compilable example to reproduce the issue.
I tried to run your app but I won't let something run as root on my system.
probably the elevated rights are part of the problem?
@aha_1980 said in Bug in Qt 5.12 drag n'drop ?:
probably the elevated rights are part of the problem?
Don't think so - it's using a database and the app which creates the schema etc. wants admin rights. After this it looks like the normal application can run without admin rights but did not came that far.
@skylendar Thanks, but I don't think I'll debug your program ;)
I have too much of my own problems
@skylendar thats why we need a simple program, trimmed down to the actual problem.
Otherwise its hard to track down where the bug is. Until now it is not even proven that Qt is guilty.