The Desktop kit on Qt Creator is grayed out
Hello all,
I recently installed Qt 5.11.2 (IDE: Qt Creator 4.7.1) and went for running one of earlier programs called Hello. But the problem is I have two kits Android Arm 7 and Android X86 but the Desktop kit is grayed out. I tried, using my previous information work it out but yet it's disabled.
How to solve this problem please? -
@tomy Please show your Desktop kit, there is probably a problem with it.
yes this page,most glaring error from this screen shot is the missing
Qt version: none
can you select the desktop qt version there ? if not not did you install the Qt libaries for your desktop system ? -
I clicked it and there were only the prior Android kits in the drop-down menu of it.
did you install the Qt libaries for your desktop system
I down't know what they are! :(
I just uninstalled my begone Qt and installed this new one on my Windows 7 X64 machine. Of course, afterwards I installed Android Studio and downloaded a huge size of SDK.
Now what should I do please? -
@tomy Start Qt Maintenance Tool and install Qt MinGW
I probably think that the answer of @jsulm can solve it.
In additional information, I think that you have installed only Qt version of Android.
Please additionally install MinGW 5.3.0 32 bit for Desktop.<Update method>
- Qt Maintenance Tool(online update) select "Add or remove components"
- Please select as below.
Qt 5.11.2
`-MinGW 5.3.0 32 bit
If this solutions does't succeed, you give our about a screenshot at Qt Versions tag of Kits, We probably can give a more appropriate solution.
Thank you both very much.
When I go for Maintenance Tool, simply skip the Qt Account window, then Add/Remove component -> Next. Then it says:At least one valid and enabled repository required for this action to succeed.
What to do with that? I'm not used to it.
How to be rid of that, please? -
@tomy You need to use another repository. Take a look at this tool:
I don't use an online SDK I think. :(
I also clicked on the link given in Alternative Instructions but it says "page not found".
The process seems very complicated. I don't know why such an obstacle should be on the way of using Maintenance Tool!
Previously I was used to creating a temporary folder name and it'd go fine. Now it doesn't work seemingly!
By the way, I'm sure when installing Qt I checked the tick for MinGw because I knew this. Still can't figure out all the above problems! :( -
jsulm Lifetime Qt Championreplied to tomy on 10 Dec 2018, 13:46 last edited by jsulm 12 Oct 2018, 13:47
@tomy Can you show "Qt Versions" tab?
"The process seems very complicated" - usually there is nothing complicated if you used online installer. Some repositories can cause problems (offline/bad connection) . -
you can check your installation folderbesides your android installation should be a folder for mingw, if it isn't than you did not install it. If there is such a folder then QTC did not pick it up automatically and you may have to manual manage your kits
@tomy From this screen shot I don't see whether you checked Qt for MinGW.
I would uninstall and use online installer, so next time you can use Qt Maintenance Tool to update or add/remove Qt versions. -
The one in bottom is the actual compiler.The one KazuoAsano shows in his shot is
a precompiled Qt version/binary for that compiler.Just select the mingw Qt version higher up and it will select the right compiler to
install also. -