QSerialPort troubles on Windows 10
Ooops ! Right. The waitForBytesWritten call was originally not present. It has been added during the investigation phase.
That's also the reason why I do not believe to have hit the mentionned bug (however, I will update my Qt environment and check again).
The provided code is simplified. The error management has been removed for the presentation. And no error is raised.
In Linux I also often used the QSerialPort class without any trouble. This is the 1st time I use it with the Windows 10 OS. By the way, I will check this code in Linux ...
Could the MinGW development kit be incriminated ?Many thanks for the help !
@gav007 said in QSerialPort troubles on Windows 10:
This is the 1st time I use it with the Windows 10 OS. By the way, I will check this code in Linux ...
Yes, please do to isolate the issue.
Could the MinGW development kit be incriminated ?
I think not ... but maybe @kuzulis has an idea?
This means that an issue somewhere in your code or your HW.
The trouble appears on 2 different HW. Hence the HW should not be at fault.
I would rather point the SW. Here is the full class code :#ifndef OPLUSCOMM_H #define OPLUSCOMM_H #include <QObject> #include <QSerialPort> class OctoPlusComm : public QSerialPort { Q_OBJECT signals: void dataRead( const QByteArray & data ); void dataSent( const QByteArray & data ); void newCommunicationStep( const QString & step ); public: struct Settings { QString name; qint32 baudRate; QString stringBaudRate; QSerialPort::DataBits dataBits; QString stringDataBits; QSerialPort::Parity parity; QString stringParity; QSerialPort::StopBits stopBits; QString stringStopBits; QSerialPort::FlowControl flowControl; QString stringFlowControl; bool localEchoEnabled; }; enum CommunicationStep { IdleStep, StartCommandStep, ROMVersionStep, EEPROMSizeStep, RAMSizeStep, UploadStep }; OctoPlusComm(QObject * parent = nullptr); virtual ~OctoPlusComm(); bool openPort( const Settings & settings ); static const QString stepText( const CommunicationStep step ); private slots: void readAll(); private: void nextStep(); void setCommunicationStep( const CommunicationStep step ); bool checkReception(); bool checkStartCommand(); bool checkRomVersion( QByteArray & frame ); bool checkEepromSize( QByteArray & frame ); bool checkRamSize( QByteArray & frame ); bool uploadInProgress(); private: CommunicationStep mCommStep; QByteArray mReceptionBuffer; }; #endif // OPLUSCOMM_H
With the implementation :
OctoPlusComm::OctoPlusComm(QObject * parent) : QSerialPort(parent), mCommStep(IdleStep) { connect(this, &OctoPlusComm::readyRead, this, &OctoPlusComm::readAll); } OctoPlusComm::~OctoPlusComm() {} bool OctoPlusComm::openPort( const Settings & settings ) { setPortName(settings.name); setBaudRate(settings.baudRate); setDataBits(settings.dataBits); setParity(settings.parity); setStopBits(settings.stopBits); setFlowControl(settings.flowControl); if ( !open(QIODevice::ReadWrite) ) { setErrorString("Failed to open serial port"); emit errorOccurred(QSerialPort::OpenError); return false; } mCommStep = IdleStep; mReceptionBuffer.clear(); return true; } void OctoPlusComm::readAll() { qDebug() << "Ready to read"; QByteArray newData = QSerialPort::readAll(); mReceptionBuffer.append(newData); emit dataRead( newData ); if ( checkReception() ) { nextStep(); } } void OctoPlusComm::nextStep() { bool bOk = true; QByteArray nextFrame; nextFrame.clear(); bOk = checkStartCommand() || checkRomVersion( nextFrame ) || checkEepromSize( nextFrame ) || checkRamSize( nextFrame ) || uploadInProgress(); mReceptionBuffer.clear(); if ( bOk ) { if ( nextFrame.isEmpty() ) { nextFrame.append(COMM_RECEIVE_OK); nextFrame.append(COMM_REC_OK_CHECKSUM); nextFrame.append(COMM_FRAME_END); qDebug() << "Ack reception"; } write( nextFrame ); emit dataSent( nextFrame ); } else { QByteArray request; request.append(mReceptionBuffer.at(1)); request.append(mReceptionBuffer.at(2)); setErrorString(tr("Unknown request : %1").arg(Utility::displayBuffer(request))); emit errorOccurred(QSerialPort::UnknownError); } } void OctoPlusComm::setCommunicationStep( const CommunicationStep step ) { mCommStep = step; emit newCommunicationStep( stepText( mCommStep ) ); } bool OctoPlusComm::checkReception() { if (mReceptionBuffer.size() > 0) { if ( mReceptionBuffer.endsWith(0x0D) ) { qDebug() << "Reception complete"; int n = mReceptionBuffer.lastIndexOf('#'); if ( n > 0 ) { mReceptionBuffer.remove(0, n); qDebug() << "Reception cleaned (" << n << ") : " << Utility::displayBuffer(mReceptionBuffer); } return true; } qDebug() << "Reception incomplete"; } else { qDebug() << "Empty reception !"; } return false; } bool OctoPlusComm::checkStartCommand() { if ( mReceptionBuffer.startsWith('#') && (mReceptionBuffer.indexOf(COMM_START_COMMAND, 1) == 1) ) { qDebug() << "Start command received"; setCommunicationStep( StartCommandStep ); return true; } // setErrorString(tr("Expect start command, received %1").arg(Utility::displayBuffer(mReceptionBuffer))); // emit errorOccurred(QSerialPort::UnknownError); return false; } bool OctoPlusComm::checkRomVersion( QByteArray & frame ) { if ( mReceptionBuffer.startsWith('#') && (mReceptionBuffer.indexOf(COMM_ROM_VERSION_COMMAND, 1) == 1) ) { qDebug() << "ROM version request"; setCommunicationStep( ROMVersionStep ); frame.append(COMM_RECEIVE_OK); frame.append(COMM_ROM_VERSION_RESPONSE); frame.append(COMM_FRAME_END); return true; } return false; } bool OctoPlusComm::checkEepromSize( QByteArray & frame ) { if ( mReceptionBuffer.startsWith('#') && (mReceptionBuffer.indexOf(COMM_EEPROM_SIZE_COMMAND, 1) == 1) ) { qDebug() << "EEPROM size request"; setCommunicationStep( EEPROMSizeStep ); frame.append(COMM_RECEIVE_OK); frame.append(COMM_EEPROM_SIZE_RESPONSE); frame.append(COMM_FRAME_END); return true; } return false; } bool OctoPlusComm::checkRamSize( QByteArray & frame ) { if ( mReceptionBuffer.startsWith('#') && (mReceptionBuffer.indexOf(COMM_RAM_SIZE_COMMAND, 1) == 1) ) { qDebug() << "RAM size request"; setCommunicationStep( RAMSizeStep ); frame.append(COMM_RECEIVE_OK); frame.append(COMM_RAM_SIZE_RESPONSE); frame.append(COMM_FRAME_END); return true; } return false; } bool OctoPlusComm::uploadInProgress() { if ( mReceptionBuffer.startsWith('#') && (mReceptionBuffer.indexOf(COMM_UPLOAD_COMMAND, 1) == 1) ) { qDebug() << "Upload data"; setCommunicationStep( UploadStep ); return true; } return false; } const QString OctoPlusComm::stepText( const CommunicationStep step ) { switch ( step ) { case IdleStep: return tr("Idle"); case StartCommandStep: return tr("Start command"); case ROMVersionStep: return tr("ROM version check"); case EEPROMSizeStep: return tr("EEPROM size check"); case RAMSizeStep: return tr("RAM size check"); case UploadStep: return tr("Data upload"); } return tr("???"); }
Does anyone see what I would do wrong ?
Many thanks for any support. -
As I sad before, you should to create a simple loopback test at first, to make sure that all data transferred/received. Because nobody will be check your code.
I wrote the loopback test. As expected it worked. The reported ticket is related to a timing issue. The loopback test has nothing to do with this. I lost my time.
I added some delay measurements (OK, it's intrusive but at least, it gives some clues) and observe a delay of about 10 msec between the write operation and the reception of the bytesWritten signal and sometimes a delay of the same level between the readAll call and the write operation. Those delays are observed even if the signals are emitted after the read/write operations.
If a remove all the emitted signals, those delays are no more observed. The communication is then successful.
I then check what is done with the dataRead and the dataSent signals : these are only display operations in QPlainTextEdit widget :mTextConsole->insertPlainText( QString(data) );
mHexConsole->insertPlainText( QString(data.toHex(' ')) );
This should not justify 10 msec delays.
So. Since I could not reach a good confidence level with QSerialPort, I abandoned the Qt framework for JAVA. Now I got my solution. In consequence this ticket can be closed for me.
This is my first disappointing experience with Qt ! Too bad !
Thanks for the support.
Best regards. -
I don't think, that 20 ms to create a QString from raw data and than inserting it to a plain textview + (eventual) repaint of the the ui is totoally unreasonable. Especially, if you're using the old (qt4) styled syntax for QObject::connect. Those come with a noticeable overhead during execution.This is the reason why I usually move my IO-communication in its own thread.
That said, giving your connects a 5th parameterQt::QueuedConnection
may already be enough to make your Qt-solution workable. -
@gav007 said in QSerialPort troubles on Windows 10:
observe a delay of about 10 msec between the write operation and the reception of the bytesWritten signal
Your words is empty without of a real example. In my case I got an expected delay in this example:
#include <QCoreApplication> #include <QSerialPort> #include <QElapsedTimer> #include <QDebug> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QSerialPort sp("COM1"); // it opens with 9600 bauds by default if (!sp.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) return 0; QElapsedTimer et; auto write = [&]() { et.start(); QByteArray ba(256, 0); sp.write(ba); }; QObject::connect(&sp, &QSerialPort::bytesWritten, [&](qint64 bytes) { qDebug() << et.elapsed(); write(); }); write(); return a.exec(); }
It printed out:
265 265 266 266 265
that is right, because according to this calculation, the expected delay should be:
baudrate = 9600 bits per second
bytes per second = 9600 / (1start bit + 8 data bits + 1 stop bit) = 960 bytes per second
256 bytes in seconds = 256 / 960 = 0.266(6)- If I try to send ~10 bytes, then I got ~10 msecs. It is true.
- if I try to send ~1 byte, then I got ~0-1 msec. It is true.
So, I don't know what are you talking about.
@kuzulis said in QSerialPort troubles on Windows 10:
Because nobody will be check your code.
@kuzulis said in QSerialPort troubles on Windows 10:
Your words is empty without of a real example
How surprising you can be !
Again, if you read my post, I'm more worried about the 10 msec for 2 insertions in QPlainTextEdit widget than the delay between the write operation and the bytesWritten signal.
Where you're right, I did not mention the size of the handled buffer : it varies between 4 and 12 bytes. Not enough to spend 10 msec for sending !So @kuzulis, do not worry about my problem. I'm sure there will be people on this forum willing to help me. Thanks.
@J-Hilk ,
Thanks for this remark. I would not expect the QSerialPort signals to be managed in the same thread as the GUI elements. Hence using the default AutoConnection type should make the difference. However, I forced all the connections between the QSerialPort object and the GUI elements to be queued and unfortunately the behavior remains the same.Best regards
@gav007 said in QSerialPort troubles on Windows 10:
it varies between 4 and 12 bytes. Not enough to spend 10 msec for sending !
Again, your words is empty. I already have provided the test above, you can try it with your HW, with your baudrate && data length.
@gav007 said in QSerialPort troubles on Windows 10:
do not worry about my problem
I'm do not worry, good luck!