PYQT5 - Populating Model from Thread / Sorting large Tree advice
Hi All
I'm learning PyQT5, so I've set myself the challenge of building a "TreeSize" replica (the famous Windows app for identifying disk usage). I've got a non-threaded version working, recursing the filesystem and populating a QTreeWidget, but its slow and freezes the UI when scanning and sorting (due to the volume of Items).
So I'm looking for example code or advice on the following:
Populating a model large amounts of data that is being generated from a separate QThread.
Sorting the model / tree without it freezing the OS
I've very much appreciate any help to point me in the right direction.. I did ask a similar question elsewhere, and they said QFileSystemModel was threaded, but I can't see it or I think they were referring to the C++ version!
Many thanks
They were right, QFileSystemModel is indeed threaded. Note that all PyQt 5 classes are wrappers around Qt's C++ classes.
What is usually done when having lots of data is to process them by batch so that you don't overload your main thread.
PyQt is a wrapper on top of Qt, what happens within the Qt classes is on the C++ side.