QWebEngineView doesn't work with paid proxy.
Hello, i want to create app, which uses QWebEngineView and paid proxy. This paid proxy works good with QNetworkAccessManager, but doesn't work with QWebEngineView. And with QWebEngineView work only free proxy.
#include <QApplication> #include <QWebEngineView> #include <QNetworkProxy> #include <QUrl> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); QApplication app(argc, argv); QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, "", 3128, "", "")); QWebEngineView view; view.setUrl(QUrl(QString("site"))); view.resize(1024, 750); view.show(); return app.exec(); }
Does the proxy require authentication ?Just see what is the error. Returned error could give you hint on what is the issue.
@dheerendra said in QWebEngineView doesn't work with paid proxy.:
Does the proxy require authentication ?Just see what is the error. Returned error could give you hint on what is the issue.
Yes, i have to enter login and password. Login and password are correct and this proxy works with QNetworkAccessManager. Return code is 0(after close program). when i run app, window looks like this:
Since authentication is required, did you catch the signal proxyAuthenticationRequired from webEngine page ?
@dheerendra said in QWebEngineView doesn't work with paid proxy.:
Since authentication is required, did you catch the signal proxyAuthenticationRequired from webEngine page ?
I know now, that i have to use connect method to catch this signal, but i don't know, what do i have to do after.