Cannot install Qt 5.11 due to missing examples
When trying to install Qt 5.11 using the Maintenance Tool bundled with Qt 5.10 the installer chokes literally on the first file it tries to download:
Cannot download archive Error transferring - server replied: Not Found
The server reply is correct. In fact, everything below is missing!
Can the Maintenance Tool be coaxed into installing without examples/doc?
as far as i know, you cant deselect examplesWhere in the world are you ?
You could try other server, im wondering if something up with server currently as
it shows very little if i choose to add something.
Normally there are many versions.
I have similar issue, when I choose the "Update Components" box...
In progress of fetching I got following error:[88829] ¬озникла ошибка сети при загрузке Ђї: Error transferring - server replied: Not Found.
So, I try to open this URL : and see that a folder is empty on the repo server.
I can't install Qt at all because of this issue. It fails during download of the metadata. This is before options are available to check or uncheck.
Network error while downloading '': Error transferring - server replied: Not Found.
@CodeJingle Same thing here! I went to the URL and all the folders in here ( are actually empty... I don't care about the code examples (In fact I'm only interested in QtCreator....), but these missing files prevent the installer from working. @mrjj, I may give a try to QtSdkRepoChooser
@mrjj I think there is no way to escape this bug, even with the help of QtSdkRepoChooser, because we have no way to disable the default repository (as explained here: Thus, I suspect the online installer keeps using the list of files to download from the main download site, and not our custom downloaded repository...
Btw, it'd be great if Qt could provide a separate download of QtCreator alone.
error with the offline installer of 5.11.0
Installer Error
Error during installation process (
Cannot start: "{0,3010,1603, 5100} msiexec /i C:\Qt\Qt5.11.0\Tools\Perl52213_32\strawberry-perl- /quiet": Process failed to start: No such file or directoryRetry Ignore Cancel
The people in charge are now aware of this problem and working on it.