Plain Edit text "" return int from Qstring"
General and Desktop
Hi Qties !! im trying to change the Variable "a" from PlainTextEdit !! but it's doent work
any suggestions please ?if (ui.bitwiseAND->isChecked()) { int a ; QString g = ui.plainTextEdit_2->toPlainText(); a = g.toInt(); medianBlur(HidedSrc, Mblurred, a); namedWindow("Mblurred", WINDOW_NORMAL); }
What does
contain ? -
And you are expecting
to return what if your string is empty ? -
has a boolean parameter that you can use to validate that the conversion was successful.On a related note, if you want to have an numerical input there, why not use something more appropriate like a QSpinBox ? That way you don't even have to deal with conversion.