Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64
a cryptocurrency wallet, kinda like bitcoin, i can compile these wallets if they are qt4 with no issues but the last maybe 2 or 3 years when i try to do wallet made with qt5 i get the above error
Growl notification support through Apple Script has been removed as all current version of macOS provide support for the notification center and AFAIR, Qt uses that.
In any case, that was macOS specific code that would have been used in the corresponding QPA so you would likely have not had direct access to it anyway.
If you really want to use that function, you should copy it into your project but it would be more interesting to update the code that uses it to use the notification center.
maybe y'all can help me with a quick non qt question the issue i am having with compiling with boost is something about the compiler being outdated and is not compiling C++11 how do i fix it so i can compile C++11? i know gcc is 4.2.1 on my mac but other than that i dont know what i need
gcc 4.2.1 ?
If that's really the case then you have something off with your Mac development setup. Xcode has been using clang for several versions now which is handling even more recent versions of the C++ standard.
What does
clang --version
return ? -
clang shows up as 9.1.0 but i switched it to clang in qt and i still get the boost error
Can you show your .pro file ?
sure here you go
TEMPLATE = app TARGET = flapx-qt CONFIG += qt QT += gui VERSION = 2.5.2 INCLUDEPATH += src src/json src/qt INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/opt/boost@1.57/include DEFINES += QT_GUI BOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB BOOST_SPIRIT_THREADSAFE CONFIG += no_include_pwd CONFIG += thread win32 { CONFIG += release } else { CONFIG += debug_and_release } CONFIG += static greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) { QT += widgets DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0 } # for boost 1.37, add -mt to the boost libraries # use: qmake BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX=-mt # for boost thread win32 with _win32 sufix # use: BOOST_THREAD_LIB_SUFFIX=_win32-... # or when linking against a specific BerkelyDB version: BDB_LIB_SUFFIX=-4.8 # Dependency library locations can be customized with: # BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH, BOOST_LIB_PATH, BDB_INCLUDE_PATH, # BDB_LIB_PATH, OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH and OPENSSL_LIB_PATH respectively OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/local/include OPENSSL_LIB_PATH=/opt/local/lib BDB_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/berkeley-db@4/4.8.30/include BDB_LIB_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/berkeley-db@4/4.8.30/lib BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/opt/boost@1.57/include BOOST_LIB_PATH=/usr/local/opt/boost@1.57/lib OBJECTS_DIR = build MOC_DIR = build UI_DIR = build OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/local/include OPENSSL_LIB_PATH=/opt/local/lib BDB_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/local/include/db48 BDB_LIB_PATH=/usr/local/lib BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/opt/boost@1.57/include BOOST_LIB_PATH=/usr/local/opt/boost@1.57/lib # use: qmake "RELEASE=1" contains(RELEASE, 1) { # Mac: compile for maximum compatibility (10.6, 64-bit) #macx:QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.6 !windows:!macx { # Linux: static link LIBS += -Wl,-Bstatic } } !win32 { # for extra security against potential buffer overflows: enable GCCs Stack Smashing Protection QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -fstack-protector-all --param ssp-buffer-size=1 QMAKE_LFLAGS *= -fstack-protector-all --param ssp-buffer-size=1 # We need to exclude this for Windows cross compile with MinGW 4.2.x, as it will result in a non-working executable! # This can be enabled for Windows, when we switch to MinGW >= 4.4.x. } # for extra security on Windows: enable ASLR and DEP via GCC linker flags win32:QMAKE_LFLAGS *= -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat win32:QMAKE_LFLAGS += -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ win32:QMAKE_LFLAGS *= -Wl,--large-address-aware -static # use: qmake "USE_QRCODE=1" # libqrencode (http://fukuchi.org/works/qrencode/index.en.html) must be installed for support contains(USE_QRCODE, 1) { message(Building with QRCode support) DEFINES += USE_QRCODE LIBS += -lqrencode } # use: qmake "USE_UPNP=1" ( enabled by default; default) # or: qmake "USE_UPNP=0" (disabled by default) # or: qmake "USE_UPNP=-" (not supported) # miniupnpc (http://miniupnp.free.fr/files/) must be installed for support contains(USE_UPNP, -) { message(Building without UPNP support) } else { message(Building with UPNP support) count(USE_UPNP, 0) { USE_UPNP=1 } DEFINES += USE_UPNP=$$USE_UPNP STATICLIB MINIUPNP_STATICLIB INCLUDEPATH += $$MINIUPNPC_INCLUDE_PATH LIBS += $$join(MINIUPNPC_LIB_PATH,,-L,) -lminiupnpc win32:LIBS += -liphlpapi } # use: qmake "USE_DBUS=1" contains(USE_DBUS, 1) { message(Building with DBUS (Freedesktop notifications) support) DEFINES += USE_DBUS QT += dbus } contains(BITCOIN_NEED_QT_PLUGINS, 1) { DEFINES += BITCOIN_NEED_QT_PLUGINS QTPLUGIN += qcncodecs qjpcodecs qtwcodecs qkrcodecs qtaccessiblewidgets } macx: { isEmpty(DEPSDIR) { check_dir = /usr/local/Cellar exists($$check_dir) { DEPSDIR = /usr/local } !exists($$check_dir) { DEPSDIR = /opt/local } } isEmpty(BOOST_LIB_PATH) { BOOST_LIB_PATH = $$DEPSDIR/lib } isEmpty(BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH) { BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH = $$DEPSDIR/include } isEmpty(BDB_LIB_PATH) { BDB_LIB_PATH = $$DEPSDIR/lib } isEmpty(BDB_INCLUDE_PATH) { BDB_INCLUDE_PATH = $$DEPSDIR/include } HEADERS += src/qt/macdockiconhandler.h src/qt/macnotificationhandler.h OBJECTIVE_SOURCES += src/qt/macdockiconhandler.mm src/qt/macnotificationhandler.mm LIBS += -framework Foundation -framework ApplicationServices -framework AppKit -framework CoreServices \ $$BDB_LIB_PATH/libdb_cxx.a \ $$BOOST_LIB_PATH/libboost_system-mt.a \ $$BOOST_LIB_PATH/libboost_filesystem-mt.a \ $$BOOST_LIB_PATH/libboost_program_options-mt.a \ $$BOOST_LIB_PATH/libboost_thread-mt.a \ $$BOOST_LIB_PATH/libboost_chrono-mt.a DEFINES += MAC_OSX MSG_NOSIGNAL=0 ICON = src/mac/artwork/FlapX.icns QMAKE_INFO_PLIST=src/mac/Info.plist # osx 10.9 has changed the stdlib default to libc++. To prevent some link error, you may need to use libstdc++ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -stdlib=libstdc++ QMAKE_CFLAGS_THREAD += -pthread QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_THREAD += -pthread } INCLUDEPATH += src/leveldb/include src/leveldb/helpers LIBS += $$PWD/src/leveldb/libleveldb.a $$PWD/src/leveldb/libmemenv.a SOURCES += src/txdb-leveldb.cpp !win32 { # we use QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE even without RELEASE=1 because we use RELEASE to indicate linking preferences not -O preferences genleveldb.commands = cd $$PWD/src/leveldb && CC=$$QMAKE_CC CXX=$$QMAKE_CXX $(MAKE) OPT=\"$$QMAKE_CXXFLAGS $$QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE\" libleveldb.a libmemenv.a } else { # make an educated guess about what the ranlib command is called isEmpty(QMAKE_RANLIB) { QMAKE_RANLIB = $$replace(QMAKE_STRIP, strip, ranlib) } LIBS += -lshlwapi #genleveldb.commands = cd $$PWD/src/leveldb && CC=$$QMAKE_CC CXX=$$QMAKE_CXX TARGET_OS=OS_WINDOWS_CROSSCOMPILE $(MAKE) OPT=\"$$QMAKE_CXXFLAGS $$QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE\" libleveldb.a libmemenv.a && $$QMAKE_RANLIB $$PWD/src/leveldb/libleveldb.a && $$QMAKE_RANLIB $$PWD/src/leveldb/libmemenv.a } genleveldb.target = $$PWD/src/leveldb/libleveldb.a genleveldb.depends = FORCE PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$PWD/src/leveldb/libleveldb.a QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += genleveldb # Gross ugly hack that depends on qmake internals, unfortunately there is no other way to do it. QMAKE_CLEAN += $$PWD/src/leveldb/libleveldb.a; cd $$PWD/src/leveldb ; $(MAKE) clean # regenerate src/build.h !windows|contains(USE_BUILD_INFO, 1) { genbuild.depends = FORCE genbuild.commands = cd $$PWD; /bin/sh share/genbuild.sh $$OUT_PWD/build/build.h genbuild.target = $$OUT_PWD/build/build.h PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$OUT_PWD/build/build.h QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += genbuild DEFINES += HAVE_BUILD_INFO } contains(USE_O3, 1) { message(Building O3 optimization flag) QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE -= -O2 QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE -= -O2 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -O3 QMAKE_CFLAGS += -O3 } *-g++-32 { message("32 platform, adding -msse2 flag") QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -msse2 QMAKE_CFLAGS += -msse2 } QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON = -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wall -Wextra -Wno-ignored-qualifiers -Wformat-security -Wno-unused-parameter -Wstack-protector # Input DEPENDPATH += src src/json src/qt HEADERS += src/qt/bitcoingui.h \ src/qt/transactiontablemodel.h \ src/qt/addresstablemodel.h \ src/qt/optionsdialog.h \ src/qt/coincontroldialog.h \ src/qt/coincontroltreewidget.h \ src/qt/sendcoinsdialog.h \ src/qt/addressbookpage.h \ src/qt/charitydialog.h \ src/qt/signverifymessagedialog.h \ src/qt/aboutdialog.h \ src/qt/editaddressdialog.h \ src/qt/bitcoinaddressvalidator.h \ src/qt/intro.h \ src/qt/calcdialog.h \ src/alert.h \ src/addrman.h \ src/base58.h \ src/bignum.h \ src/chainparams.h \ src/chainparamsseeds.h \ src/checkpoints.h \ src/compat.h \ src/coincontrol.h \ src/sync.h \ src/util.h \ src/hash.h \ src/uint256.h \ src/kernel.h \ src/scrypt.h \ src/pbkdf2.h \ src/zerocoin/Accumulator.h \ src/zerocoin/AccumulatorProofOfKnowledge.h \ src/zerocoin/Coin.h \ src/zerocoin/CoinSpend.h \ src/zerocoin/Commitment.h \ src/zerocoin/ParamGeneration.h \ src/zerocoin/Params.h \ src/zerocoin/SerialNumberSignatureOfKnowledge.h \ src/zerocoin/SpendMetaData.h \ src/zerocoin/ZeroTest.h \ src/zerocoin/Zerocoin.h \ src/serialize.h \ src/core.h \ src/main.h \ src/miner.h \ src/net.h \ src/key.h \ src/db.h \ src/txdb.h \ src/walletdb.h \ src/script.h \ src/init.h \ src/mruset.h \ src/json/json_spirit_writer_template.h \ src/json/json_spirit_writer.h \ src/json/json_spirit_value.h \ src/json/json_spirit_utils.h \ src/json/json_spirit_stream_reader.h \ src/json/json_spirit_reader_template.h \ src/json/json_spirit_reader.h \ src/json/json_spirit_error_position.h \ src/json/json_spirit.h \ src/qt/clientmodel.h \ src/qt/guiutil.h \ src/qt/transactionrecord.h \ src/qt/guiconstants.h \ src/qt/optionsmodel.h \ src/qt/monitoreddatamapper.h \ src/qt/transactiondesc.h \ src/qt/transactiondescdialog.h \ src/qt/bitcoinamountfield.h \ src/wallet.h \ src/keystore.h \ src/qt/transactionfilterproxy.h \ src/qt/transactionview.h \ src/qt/walletmodel.h \ src/bitcoinrpc.h \ src/qt/overviewpage.h \ src/qt/csvmodelwriter.h \ src/crypter.h \ src/qt/sendcoinsentry.h \ src/qt/qvalidatedlineedit.h \ src/qt/bitcoinunits.h \ src/qt/qvaluecombobox.h \ src/qt/askpassphrasedialog.h \ src/protocol.h \ src/qt/notificator.h \ src/qt/qtipcserver.h \ src/allocators.h \ src/ui_interface.h \ src/qt/rpcconsole.h \ src/version.h \ src/netbase.h \ src/clientversion.h \ src/qt/shoppingpage.h \ src/qt/networkpage.h \ src/threadsafety.h SOURCES += src/qt/bitcoin.cpp src/qt/bitcoingui.cpp \ src/qt/transactiontablemodel.cpp \ src/qt/addresstablemodel.cpp \ src/qt/optionsdialog.cpp \ src/qt/sendcoinsdialog.cpp \ src/qt/coincontroldialog.cpp \ src/qt/coincontroltreewidget.cpp \ src/qt/addressbookpage.cpp \ src/qt/charitydialog.cpp \ src/qt/signverifymessagedialog.cpp \ src/qt/aboutdialog.cpp \ src/qt/editaddressdialog.cpp \ src/qt/bitcoinaddressvalidator.cpp \ src/qt/calcdialog.cpp \ src/qt/intro.cpp \ src/alert.cpp \ src/chainparams.cpp \ src/version.cpp \ src/sync.cpp \ src/util.cpp \ src/hash.cpp \ src/netbase.cpp \ src/key.cpp \ src/script.cpp \ src/core.cpp \ src/main.cpp \ src/miner.cpp \ src/init.cpp \ src/net.cpp \ src/checkpoints.cpp \ src/addrman.cpp \ src/db.cpp \ src/walletdb.cpp \ src/qt/clientmodel.cpp \ src/qt/guiutil.cpp \ src/qt/transactionrecord.cpp \ src/qt/optionsmodel.cpp \ src/qt/monitoreddatamapper.cpp \ src/qt/transactiondesc.cpp \ src/qt/transactiondescdialog.cpp \ src/qt/bitcoinstrings.cpp \ src/qt/bitcoinamountfield.cpp \ src/wallet.cpp \ src/keystore.cpp \ src/qt/transactionfilterproxy.cpp \ src/qt/transactionview.cpp \ src/qt/walletmodel.cpp \ src/bitcoinrpc.cpp \ src/rpcdump.cpp \ src/rpcnet.cpp \ src/rpcmining.cpp \ src/rpcwallet.cpp \ src/rpcblockchain.cpp \ src/rpcrawtransaction.cpp \ src/qt/overviewpage.cpp \ src/qt/csvmodelwriter.cpp \ src/crypter.cpp \ src/qt/sendcoinsentry.cpp \ src/qt/qvalidatedlineedit.cpp \ src/qt/bitcoinunits.cpp \ src/qt/qvaluecombobox.cpp \ src/qt/askpassphrasedialog.cpp \ src/protocol.cpp \ src/qt/notificator.cpp \ src/qt/qtipcserver.cpp \ src/qt/rpcconsole.cpp \ src/noui.cpp \ src/kernel.cpp \ src/scrypt-arm.S \ src/scrypt-x86.S \ src/scrypt-x86_64.S \ src/scrypt.cpp \ src/pbkdf2.cpp \ src/zerocoin/Accumulator.cpp \ src/zerocoin/AccumulatorProofOfKnowledge.cpp \ src/zerocoin/Coin.cpp \ src/zerocoin/CoinSpend.cpp \ src/zerocoin/Commitment.cpp \ src/zerocoin/ParamGeneration.cpp \ src/zerocoin/Params.cpp \ src/zerocoin/SerialNumberSignatureOfKnowledge.cpp \ src/zerocoin/SpendMetaData.cpp \ src/zerocoin/ZeroTest.cpp \ src/qt/networkpage.cpp \ src/qt/shoppingpage.cpp RESOURCES += \ src/qt/bitcoin.qrc FORMS += \ src/qt/forms/coincontroldialog.ui \ src/qt/forms/sendcoinsdialog.ui \ src/qt/forms/addressbookpage.ui \ src/qt/forms/signverifymessagedialog.ui \ src/qt/forms/aboutdialog.ui \ src/qt/forms/editaddressdialog.ui \ src/qt/forms/transactiondescdialog.ui \ src/qt/forms/overviewpage.ui \ src/qt/forms/sendcoinsentry.ui \ src/qt/forms/askpassphrasedialog.ui \ src/qt/forms/rpcconsole.ui \ src/qt/forms/optionsdialog.ui \ src/qt/forms/shoppingpage.ui \ src/qt/forms/charitydialog.ui \ src/qt/forms/intro.ui \ src/qt/forms/calcdialog.ui \ src/qt/forms/networkpage.ui contains(USE_QRCODE, 1) { HEADERS += src/qt/qrcodedialog.h SOURCES += src/qt/qrcodedialog.cpp FORMS += src/qt/forms/qrcodedialog.ui } CODECFORTR = UTF-8 # for lrelease/lupdate # also add new translations to src/qt/bitcoin.qrc under translations/ TRANSLATIONS = $$files(src/qt/locale/bitcoin_*.ts) isEmpty(QMAKE_LRELEASE) { win32:QMAKE_LRELEASE = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]\\lrelease.exe else:QMAKE_LRELEASE = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/lrelease } isEmpty(QM_DIR):QM_DIR = $$PWD/src/qt/locale # automatically build translations, so they can be included in resource file TSQM.name = lrelease ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} TSQM.input = TRANSLATIONS TSQM.output = $$QM_DIR/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qm TSQM.commands = $$QMAKE_LRELEASE ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} -qm ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} TSQM.CONFIG = no_link QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += TSQM # "Other files" to show in Qt Creator OTHER_FILES += \ doc/*.rst doc/*.txt doc/README README.md res/bitcoin-qt.rc \ src/qt/res/tooltips/removeRecipientTooltip.png # platform specific defaults, if not overridden on command line isEmpty(BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX) { macx:BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX = -mt windows:BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX = -mt } isEmpty(BOOST_THREAD_LIB_SUFFIX) { win32:BOOST_THREAD_LIB_SUFFIX = $$BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX else:BOOST_THREAD_LIB_SUFFIX = $$BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX } isEmpty(BDB_LIB_PATH) { macx:BDB_LIB_PATH = /opt/local/lib/db48 } isEmpty(BDB_LIB_SUFFIX) { macx:BDB_LIB_SUFFIX = -4.8 } isEmpty(BDB_INCLUDE_PATH) { macx:BDB_INCLUDE_PATH = /opt/local/include/db48 } isEmpty(BOOST_LIB_PATH) { macx:BOOST_LIB_PATH = /usr/local/opt/boost@1.57/lib } isEmpty(BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH) { macx:BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH = /usr/local/opt/boost@1.57/include } windows:DEFINES += WIN32 windows:RC_FILE = src/qt/res/bitcoin-qt.rc windows:!contains(MINGW_THREAD_BUGFIX, 0) { # At least qmake's win32-g++-cross profile is missing the -lmingwthrd # thread-safety flag. GCC has -mthreads to enable this, but it doesn't # work with static linking. -lmingwthrd must come BEFORE -lmingw, so # it is prepended to QMAKE_LIBS_QT_ENTRY. # It can be turned off with MINGW_THREAD_BUGFIX=0, just in case it causes # any problems on some untested qmake profile now or in the future. DEFINES += _MT BOOST_THREAD_PROVIDES_GENERIC_SHARED_MUTEX_ON_WIN QMAKE_LIBS_QT_ENTRY = -lmingwthrd $$QMAKE_LIBS_QT_ENTRY } !windows:!macx { DEFINES += LINUX LIBS += -lrt } # Set libraries and includes at end, to use platform-defined defaults if not overridden INCLUDEPATH += $$BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH $$BDB_INCLUDE_PATH $$OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH $$QRENCODE_INCLUDE_PATH LIBS += $$join(BOOST_LIB_PATH,,-L,) $$join(BDB_LIB_PATH,,-L,) $$join(OPENSSL_LIB_PATH,,-L,) $$join(QRENCODE_LIB_PATH,,-L,) LIBS += -lssl -lcrypto -ldb_cxx$$BDB_LIB_SUFFIX # -lgdi32 has to happen after -lcrypto (see #681) windows:LIBS += -lws2_32 -lshlwapi -lmswsock -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lgdi32 LIBS += -lboost_system$$BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX -lboost_filesystem$$BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX -lboost_program_options$$BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX -lboost_thread$$BOOST_THREAD_LIB_SUFFIX windows:LIBS += -lboost_chrono$$BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX contains(RELEASE, 1) { !windows:!macx { # Linux: turn dynamic linking back on for c/c++ runtime libraries LIBS += -Wl,-Bdynamic } } system($$QMAKE_LRELEASE -silent $$_PRO_FILE_)
Are you building from the command line of Qt Creator ?
@SGaist said in Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
Are you building from the command line of Qt Creator ?
i am using qt creator
also i am getting a new boost error
In file included from src/bitcoinrpc.cpp:11: In file included from src/chainparams.h:9: In file included from src/bignum.h:10: src/serialize.h:18:10: fatal error: 'boost/type_traits/is_fundamental.hpp' file not found #include <boost/type_traits/is_fundamental.hpp> ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 error generated. make[1]: *** [build/bitcoinrpc.o] Error 1 make: *** [release] Error 2 14:00:37: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited with code 2. Error while building/deploying project flapx-qt (kit: QT 5.11) When executing step "Make"
got past that error by switching to a different version of boost
Did you check where that header can be found on your computer ?
i did and i am trying to compile a different project after getting the last two compiled
this is the error i am getting now
src/qt/multisenddialog.cpp:76:25: error: member access into incomplete type 'QStyle' ui->message->style()->polish(ui->message); ^ /usr/local/Qt-5.11.0/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Headers/qwidget.h:67:7: note: forward declaration of 'QStyle' class QStyle; ^ src/qt/multisenddialog.cpp:90:29: error: member access into incomplete type 'QStyle' ui->message->style()->polish(ui->message); ^ /usr/local/Qt-5.11.0/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Headers/qwidget.h:67:7: note: forward declaration of 'QStyle' class QStyle; ^ src/qt/multisenddialog.cpp:105:29: error: member access into incomplete type 'QStyle' ui->message->style()->polish(ui->message); ^ /usr/local/Qt-5.11.0/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Headers/qwidget.h:67:7: note: forward declaration of 'QStyle' class QStyle; ^ src/qt/multisenddialog.cpp:113:29: error: member access into incomplete type 'QStyle' ui->message->style()->polish(ui->message); ^ /usr/local/Qt-5.11.0/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Headers/qwidget.h:67:7: note: forward declaration of 'QStyle' class QStyle; ^ src/qt/multisenddialog.cpp:125:25: error: member access into incomplete type 'QStyle' ui->message->style()->polish(ui->message); ^ /usr/local/Qt-5.11.0/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Headers/qwidget.h:67:7: note: forward declaration of 'QStyle' class QStyle; ^ src/qt/multisenddialog.cpp:188:25: error: member access into incomplete type 'QStyle' ui->message->style()->polish(ui->message); ^ /usr/local/Qt-5.11.0/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Headers/qwidget.h:67:7: note: forward declaration of 'QStyle' class QStyle; ^ src/qt/multisenddialog.cpp:204:25: error: member access into incomplete type 'QStyle' ui->message->style()->polish(ui->message); ^ /usr/local/Qt-5.11.0/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Headers/qwidget.h:67:7: note: forward declaration of 'QStyle' class QStyle; ^ 7 errors generated. make: *** [build/multisenddialog.o] Error 1 12:10:45: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited with code 2. Error while building/deploying project 1337-qt (kit: QT 5.11) When executing step "Make" 12:10:45: Elapsed time: 00:09.
You didn't include QStyle in
. -
@SGaist said in Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
You didn't include QStyle in
.thank you so much! i added #include <QStyle> at the top and it went past that error to another that i know how to fix!
thank you very much for your help!
You're welcome !
Since you have it working now, please mark the thread as solved using the "Topic Tools" button so other forum users may know a solution has been found :)