Building Qt from source, qtwebengine missing
mkdir D:\build_qtwebengine cd D:\build_qtwebengine \path\to\qmake.exe D:\qt5\qtwebengine jom.exe jom.exe install
Looking good but the step remove that flag "Proprietary Codecs " that I had set up previously when configuring at the qt5 root folder. Anyway to redo that step?
Why is running nmake on qt5 source root not building qtwebengine? I am a bit confuse.
ThanksD:\build_qtwebengine>D:\qt5.11.0_alpha\bin\qmake.exe D:\qt5\qtwebengine
Running configuration tests...
Done running configuration tests.Configure summary:
Qt WebEngine:
Embedded build ......................... no
Pepper Plugins ......................... yes
Printing and PDF ....................... yes
Proprietary Codecs ..................... no
Spellchecker ........................... yes
Native Spellchecker .................... no
WebRTC ................................. yes
Use System Ninja ....................... no
Geolocation ............................ yes
Use v8 snapshot ........................ yesQt is now configured for building. Just run 'nmake'.
Once everything is built, Qt is installed.
You should NOT run 'nmake install'.
Note that this build cannot be deployed to other machines or devices.Trying to understand init repository help:
would this be possible?
perl ./init-repository --module-subset=all,-qtenginio
Will try..*--module-subset=<module1>,<module2>... Only initialize the specified subset of modules given as the argument. Specified modules must already exist in .gitmodules. The string "all" results in cloning all known modules. The strings "essential", "addon", "preview", "deprecated", "obsolete", and "ignore" refer to classes of modules; "default" maps to "essential,addon,preview,deprecated", which corresponds with the set of maintained modules and is also the default set. Module names may be prefixed with a dash to exclude them from a bigger set, e.g. "all,-ignore".*
Here is my latest try with
perl ./init-repository --module-subset=all,-qtenginiographicsitems\qdeclarativetextinput.cpp(517): error C2039: 'setCursorBlinkPeriod': is not a member of 'QWidgetLineControl' d:\qt5\qtbase\include\qtwidgets\5.11.0\qtwidgets\private\../../../../../src/widgets/widgets/qwidgetlinecontrol_p.h(82): note: see declaration of 'QWidgetLineControl' qdeclarativetext.cpp qdeclarativetextedit.cpp
now trying with:
perl ./init-repository --module-subset=all,-qtenginio,-qtquick1,-qtquickcontrols2 -
Strange, did you try with the sources of the latest beta release rather than a clone ?
Since it seems to cause you trouble, don't use subset and just delete the modules you don't use or use the -skip option of configure.
Thanks SGaist, our champion,
Finally, I just removed qtenginio from the makefile and rebuilt.Maybe removing qtenginio from the build would be good, since it fail to build by default on windows.
Maxfor the other, step used to build from scratch :
git clone
cd qt5
git checkout v5.11.0-beta4
perl ./init-repository --module-subset=all
configure -opensource -confirm-license -release -webengine-pepper-plugins -webengine-proprietary-codecs ....etc
--remove module not wanted; all occurence of -qtenginio inside file Makefile
nmake install
{code} -
Great !
Thanks for the feedback :)
Thanks for sharing !
I just checked the documentation snapshot and indeed the specs have been bumped to VS2017 only.