Newbie Windows installation problems
I ran offline installer "qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.10.0.exe" on my Win 7 Pro 64-bit system. I have Visual Studio Community 2017 installed already. The only checkbox I turned on in the Qt installer is "msvc2017 64-bit".
I ran Qt Creator, selected Examples, and picked "Qt Quick Controls 2 - Gallery". It popped up a help screen that suggested that I visit "Building and Running an Example", so that's what I did. That web page told me to do what I had already done, then said to click the Kit Selector, and select a kit for the device. Instead of popping up a choice of kits, though, it popped up an error message saying "The project gallery is not yet configured. You can configure it in the Projects mode." which of course is the mode I'm already in.
The web page doesn't say anything about "configuring" a project, so I try to figure out how to work the "Configure Project" page that I'm looking at. It has a checkbox that says "Select all kits", which is on, and an box under it that that says "Desktop Qt 5.10.0 MSVC2017 64bit" with a check next to it, and a Details box. Clicking Details gives me Debug, Release, and Profile choices. I know what Debug and Release mean, but have no idea what Profile means. If I turn off the "Select all kits" checkbox, then the choices are grayed out. The only way I can tell it just to build a debug kit is to turn ON "Select all kits" and then turn off Release and Profile. That doesn't make sense.
So I do that, and click "Configure Project", and it switches me to the Edit mode. Since I don't need to edit anything, I try the Run button with the green triangle. It compiles, and runs correctly, so it seems to have found my compiler alright.
I try closing the program, and use Windows explorer to navigate to the program it just ran, and run the program directly. It pops up a System Error: "The program can't start because Qt5QuickControls2d.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
I think, maybe the Debug version isn't supposed to be runnable outside the IDE, so I manage to figure out how to add the missing Release build. There's an Add pulldown that lists Clone Selected, Debug, Release, and Profile, so I choose Release, and it asks me for a name. Why does it do that? Isn't "Release" the name? So I type in Release, and it seems to do the right thing. I build that, and it runs, but when I go to the directory it's in to try to run it outside the IDE, I notice that I have a directory called "build-gallery-Desktop_Qt_5_10_0_MSVC2017_64bit-Debug" that has a "debug" subdirectory with stuff in it, and a nearly empty "release" subdirectory, plus a "build-gallery-Desktop_Qt_5_10_0_MSVC2017_64bit-Release" directory with a "release" subdirectory with stuff in it, and a nearly empty "debug" subdirectory. That seems wrong. And the release executable gives me the same error as the debug executable.
I give up on that experiment and decide to see what the debugger looks like. I click the "Start Debugging" button. I get a "Failed to Start the Debugger" error, saying: "Internal error: The extension C:\Qt\Qt5.10.0\Tools\QtCreator\lib\qtcreatorcdbext64\qtcreatorcdbext.dll cannot be found." plus a bunch of stuff about a "Maintenance Tool". I glance at my directory tree, and notice that the lib directory only has a qtcreator subdirectory, no qtcreatorcdbext64 subdirectory.
I wonder if I left something out of the install, so I try to run the original offline installer again, but it refuses to run because the directory already exists.
So I go into Control Panel -> Programs and Features, find the Qt 5.10.0 entry, right click it, and choose "change". It pops up a program called "Maintain Qt 5.10.0". I'm guessing that's the "Maintenance Tool" the previous error message referred to. I select "Add or remove components", click "Next>", and it gives me an error message "At least one valid and enabled repository required for this action to succeed." Wondering what that could mean, I click Settings (the only thing available other than Quit), and click on the Repositories tab, and there's nothing listed. Selecting the :Temporary repositories: branch or the "User defined repositories" enables the Add button, which I click to see what it looks like, and it gives me places to type in a username, password, and repository, but I have no idea what repository it wants.
So the point is this: I did a very vanilla installation of the latest stuff, it doesn't work as documented, and gives me error messages that I can't get past. There are about six questions in what I just wrote, some of which are mere curiosities, but a couple of which are stymieing me, keeping me from moving forward. Can anyone tell me how to run the example program outside the IDE, and can anyone tell me how I can run the debugger?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
If you want to run an application ouside Qt Creator, then you have to follow the same deployment steps you would when preparing your application to run on another machine.
Install the debugger. The one from Visual Studio is only internal so you have to go to the download page of Microsoft and install the debugging tools.
Hey. I'm on 5.10.0 Windows 10 64bit Pro, using MSVC17 (64) and MinGW5.3.0 (32) compilers (when on windows).
Maybe check the debugger and compiler options are configured.
Just ignore the android dual NDK thing... when I had Android Studio and Visual Stupid I ended up with 2x - one went red when i uninstalled VS Community 17. I have just MS's build tools and compiler now.
I'd be happy to try and help you get started. It's always been pretty straightforward yes, yes, yes install for me...
@pderocco said in Newbie Windows installation problems:
I give up on that experiment and decide to see what the debugger looks like. I click the "Start Debugging" button. I get a "Failed to Start the Debugger" error, saying: "Internal error: The extension C:\Qt\Qt5.10.0\Tools\QtCreator\lib\qtcreatorcdbext64\qtcreatorcdbext.dll cannot be found." plus a bunch of stuff about a "Maintenance Tool". I glance at my directory tree, and notice that the lib directory only has a qtcreator subdirectory, no qtcreatorcdbext64 subdirectory.
You have to explicitely check the qtcreatorcdbext.dll when installing Qt and want to debug with Microsoft CDB (which you have to install separately, btw.) To install qtcreatorcdbext, run the Qt Maintenance Tool. It should reside in C:\Qt or in C:\Qt\Qt5.10.0, and chosse "add components".
@aha_1980 I know my original message was perhaps TLDR, but I tried running MaintenanceTool.exe and got an immediate error message "At least one valid and enabled repository required for this action to succeed." Under Settings->Repositories, there are no repositories listed, and I have no idea what to specify.
@6thC Mine looks identical to yours, except under Debugger it says "Auto-detected CDB at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\cdb.exe". So I do have the command line debugger installed. The problem I guess is my inability to get ctcreatorcdbext installed.
@SGaist I've found the windeployqt command line tool, but it seems that Qt Creator ought to be able to deploy the program without my having to resort to the command line. I see a Deployment section under Run Settings (why there and not Build Settings?) and it has no deployment steps. I try Add Deploy Step and choose Make (not knowing why or if that should work), but when I build or run, nothing new seems to happen: I can run inside Qt Creator, but I don't have a "deployed" version of the program anywhere that I can find.
I'd be inclined to just uninstall and try again. It's a pita but I've done it once in ~2 years and it was only recently... but I knew I had a corrupted download with all the installer messages about failures.
@aha_1980 is right about having to install CDB yourself and by choosing it in the installer. It sounds like you installed the SDK from MS ok - was support selected in the installer?
@6thC @pderocco If you used the Offline Installer, then you are currently out of luck. (I didn't know this from the beginning)
please see: seem to have inserted the DLL by hand, others used the online installer.