Qt 5.10.0, can't compile to Android, arm-linux-android-elf-32bit
I've used 5.9 without problems. Android and Windows programs works well. After update to 5.10.0, I had problems with MSVC compiled programs, so I've uninstalled it and deleted all directories with Qt references and installed a clean 5.10.0. The MSVC problems disappears, but I can't compile Android projects, because has a configuration error:
"No compiler can produce code for this Qt version. Please define one or more compilers for: arm-linux-android-elf-32bit"
Qt is installed on Windows 10 and the Android NDK is installed on D:\Android\android-ndk-r10e. Exists the environment variable ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=D:\Android\android-ndk-r10e
Did you check the Compilers panel to see if your Android compilers were listed ?
What does the Android tab in the Devices panel tells you ?
Same problem for me but NDK and SDK path are configured and OK.
@CaptainFlire I have the same problem too, have you solved it?
I solved it by updating my QtCreator:)
Anyone come up with any other solutions, I have to same problem?
Install or build Qt for Android.
Run qtcreator, go to Tools -> Options -> Devices -> Android: set path to JDK, SDK, NDK, check "Automatically create kits for Android tool chains".
Tools -> Options -> Qt Versions: add path to "Qt for Android/bin/qmake".
After that an error message "No compiler can produce code.." will be displayed, that's normal, click the Ok button to save the changes.
Go back to Tools -> Options -> Kits, check that the Android toolchain has appeared and that "Qt for Android" in Tools -> Options -> Qt versions is now without errors.