Made the mistake of updating Xcode
its not need after xcode7 to write sdk version.. ***
cd /Applications/
open ./QMAKE_MAC_SDK is old..
in time wo you compile you see min. 10.11 or 10.. but sierra can use... search MACOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET
&& -
Same problem here. Tried grepping the whole /opt/Qt/5.9 hierarchy against MacOSX10.12 but nothing. The -spec is macosx and ../mkspec hierarchy seems to set things right.
I solved this by adding a symbolic link macosx10.12 -> macosx
(Sorry I don't remember the actual file- and directorynames as I do not have my mac on hand)Can someone point me to from where the MacOSX10.12 comes from -- apparently runtime detected
Have a look at the comments of this ticket: think it'd help.
Adding this line :
QMAKE_MAC_SDK = macosx10.13
in the qdevice.pri file (/clang_64/mkspecs of QT).
Reference:!topic/golden-cheetah-developers/JQbQDuJHl70 -
Found the following with Qt5.9.1 on OS X 10.11.6: QMAKE_MAC_SDK is only useful für 32bit builds; when building for 64bit instead add to the pro file:
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -F/System/Library/Frameworks -L/usr/lib
The first line is necessary because of TargetConditionals.h.
The second line is necessary because of DiskArbitration framework and c++ library not found. After these tricks the 64bit application compiles and runs. -
This bug report indeed was helpful:, Thiago indicated to:
- Remove .qmake.cache, .qmake.stash and all other cache files and then try again, starting from configure.
- If you updated Xcode, then the path to the headers changed and qmake needs to know to search again for them.
In other words, "Clean Project" or "Rebuild Project" is not enough. You need to either delete every single (hidden) file from the build directories or more easily just trash the build directories and then rebuild.
You'll then get the key message:
Info: creating stash file /Users/XXX/Qtprojects/build-TestCompileErrors-Desktop_Qt_5_11_1_clang_64bit-Debug/.qmake.stashAnd your project will run!