QTableView add Rows renders wrong
The thing is, it seems that you want to show your custom combo box like it was a permanent editor, is that the case ?
If not, I was just wondering why you were rendering the widget itself. Your model could return the data for the different roles needed to show the data the way you want it (i.e. background role, decoration role etc.).
It would be nice to show the Data in a ComboBox permanently. I tried to render a QLineEdit and have the same Problem as with the ComboBox. I dont know why i cant render an Element without having that Problem.
I want that the User can see that the Data is changeable and because of that i picked directly a ComboBox. You have an Idea how i can solve that different?
First, I'd check with a delegate like the Star Delegate sample to see if everything goes well with custom painting. Then I'd check with just a rendering a combo box without any modification to the painter.
I tested it now with another Widgets and the Problem is still existing. So its not a Problem with only QComboBox. So it seems its a generally Problem with rendering. I have a similar Widget like in the StarDelegate Example and the Problem occurs. I tried not to modiy the QPainter but the Problem still exists. I also deleted the QTableView and created a new One.
Any other Ideas?
I newer say such issue with
https://wiki.qt.io/Combo_Boxes_in_Item_ViewsI think you ask it to draw in wrong position with
painter->deviceTransform().map(option.rect.topLeft()))You should check the y pos when its drawing wrongly.
Else it look ok from fast glance.
@mrjj said in QTableView add Rows renders wrong:
If i delete this part the Problem still exists. I took a look at your Link. In this Example there is no paint Event and im wondering. How does the Delegate know how to paint the Element?
If i remove the render Part the ComboBox isnt shown.
I think its a Problem with the Painter or the Renderfunction. Or perhaps something in my Layout.
It looks like its a Layout Problem. When i switch the Buttons to the Upper i dont have that Problem.
But why? Its a normal Gridlayout with a normal Row under the QTableView.
Can you show the code that setup everything including the buttons ?
Then can you provide a minimal compilable example so people can test that locally to help find the problem ?
I have made the Project Public in my Repository for some Days.
The Problem is in "Medikamentenplan" the below part. The Problem occurs in DoctorContact
I can't reproduce the defect you have on macOS.
On a side note, you should review that code base, I had to fix several errors before being able to run your application.
I installed a Virtual Machine with Linux and tested it. You are right, on other OS it isnt there. Maybe a Problem with Windows. But i dont know how to fix that now. Im using QT 5.9.1 and MSVC 2015 with 64-bit.
Could it be that the Problem is a Driver Problem?
Maybe a glitch in the Windows style.