QProcess : "Process failed to start : No such file or directory"
I add my next verification :
if(lancementDuProgrammeROI()){ if(processusROI.exitCode() == 0){ /*TO DO*/ } else if(processusROI.error() != 0){ QMessageBox::warning(this, "Erreur", "Le programme roi a planté.\n"+statutDeLApplication.number(processusROI.exitStatus())+" : "+processusROI.errorString()); } }
I obtain this :
What kind of application is
? -
it's an application in C use library gsl, hdf5, (fits at the end).
I compile it (and it works with cygwin)If you realy want to see the project i use is here :
https://github.com/christophe-pouzat/ENP2017the compilation line on cygwin an terminal linux :
gcc -W -g -o code/roi code/roi.c -lgsl -lgslcblas -lhdf5 -lhdf5_hl -lm -std=gnu11
and the execution is :
./code/roi -f Data_POMC.hdf5 -d stack -g 0.14 -v 290 -m > out/rss_stat
I think it's a problem of dll missing in this directory but i don't find them.
You can use Dependency Walker to check what
needs to run -
@SGaist I have already used it but after download 45 *.dll "API...." (and i don't find all in https://fr.dll-files.com/) I'm desesperate.
I see they are some *dll in 32bits and other in 64bits it's that ?
How i resolved it ?Thanks again for your time :)
The only files of real interest are the
the others are systems dll that you shouldn't need to do anything special for. -
@SGaist ok, thanks!
And use this dll in c:cygwin64.
Why is'nt good ?
(I put new pictur in my last post)I try to make same reserche with my c++ project and i see this (it's only a part of result):
my project is in x86.
Do i change all my dll in x86 ? -
thanks @SGaist I resolved my problem <3
In case of i loos it again or an other developper whant it i add :
- cygblas-0.dll
- cyggcc_s-1.dll
- cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll
- cyggfortran-3.dll
- cyggsl-19.dll
- cyghdf5_hl-10.dll
- cyghdf5-10.dll
- cygquadmath-0.dll
- cygwin1.dll
- cygz.dll