Unknown option -no-webkit?
What was the problem?
Let's help our friends from the future, when their favorite search engine brings them to this thread =P
The problem, for some reason was that the double dash is displayed as one single, longer dash. When I copied and pasted it into the dos prompt it didn't work, later I opened the perl script and saw it is two dashes and used that instead and that did the trick. So the option is really:
[quote author="peteb6" date="1368537661"]init-repository script what is this?
unable to make ./configure -no-webkit work.
How to turn off webkit?[/quote]init-repository is a Perl script for automatically downloading and configuring Qt's git repositiories. See http://qt-project.org/wiki/Building-Qt-5-from-Git . The posts above say that the solution is to use a double-dash.Edit: That's for init-repository, not configure
Or, you can just delete the "webkit" folder before you run configure.
neither :
perl init-repository --no-webkit
nor :
perl init-repository -skip qtwebkit
worked :(
howeverperl init-repository --module-subset=default,-qtwebkit,-qtwebkit-examples
seems it did the job, webkit is no more during git submodule init,
someone need to update the docs since they are wrong !!! someone?? -
What documentation are you talking about ?
Please note that this thread is 5 years old, a lot happened in between including removal of the QtWebKit from the pre-built binaries after deprecation.