Deleting local sqlite-file not possible: Access denied
Can you share the code of your minimal sample project ?
I now found the error. It had nothing to do with the database itself.
#include <QGuiApplication> #include <QQmlApplicationEngine> #include <QFile> #include <QDir> #include <QDebug> #include <QStandardPaths> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); QQmlApplicationEngine engine; engine.load(QUrl(QLatin1String("qrc:/main.qml"))); app.setApplicationName("sample"); app.setOrganizationName("developer"); QFileInfo databaseFile(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/database.txt"); QFile f(databaseFile.absoluteFilePath()); if(QDir().mkpath(databaseFile.absolutePath())); //the error is caused by the way I copied the database-file, and had nothing to do with the database-connection itself. //copying file from FileSystem if(!QFile::copy("D:/Dokumente/Qt/Workspace/test/" + databaseFile.fileName(), databaseFile.absoluteFilePath())) qWarning() << "Could not copy current version of database - check file permissions."; qDebug().noquote() << (f.remove() ? "Successfully deleted file" : "Could not delete old file." + f.errorString()); //when I create this way (copy the local file to the new destination), everything works as you would expect. //The file is deleted, so the environment is "clean" again for the way I copied the file that produced the Access-denied error. //copying file from Ressources if(!QFile::copy(":/" + databaseFile.fileName(), databaseFile.absoluteFilePath())) qWarning() << "Could not copy current version of database - check file permissions."; qDebug().noquote() << (f.remove() ? "Successfully deleted file" : "Could not delete old file. " + f.errorString()); //This does not work. The file is successfully copied, but after that it is imossible to delete the file through //Qt, even when the application is restarted or the whole Operating system is restarted it is impossible to delete the file. //The only way to resolve this is that I delete the file again myself. I have no clue why copying the file from the ressources creates that error. }
This is the simple code producing the access-denied error. The file type doesn't matter - as you can see I replaced the .sqlite file with a .txt-file.
The code produces the following output:
Successfully deleted file Could not delete old file. Access denied
Notice that copying works both times, because copying just prints a message if it fails.
The local file I use in the case when it works to delete it is the ressource file in my local filesystem. But why is it a problem to copy a file from the compiled-in ressources? -
what os are u on ?
Tried (hopefully) the same on win 10 and could not reproduce it.
I assume that u are in fact logged in as lukas on your test system. -
The Test System is Windows 10, and I am indeed logged on as Lukas (who is an Administrator).
Hmm. i copy a random file (from res) to a writable Location but i can always
remove it.
I wonder if it has to be a db or any file would do it? -
In my test case the file type doesn't matter - as you can see I now used a txt-file to produce the error.
The output and behavior is the same no matter which compiler I use (MinGW or MSVC2015).
is there anyway u could upload your complete sample for me ? ( google drive/ dropbox)
I feel i might do something wrong in order to reproduce it.
I have a feeling something is wrong if u cant even delete it after a reboot as any
locks will be removed so i wonder if Qt or local to ur system :) -
Here I uploaded the zipped project!ApYSo539xqGngcF-QFMUiHaL6sQVdQ
Thank you soooo much for your help and for your answer!
If I call f.setPermissions(QFile::ReadOther|QFile::WriteOther); before QFile::remove();, it removes the ReadOnly flag, and I may delete the file. I'm sorry that I didn't notice myself, and that it took you all so much time and 18 posts.
But it actually makes sense. Of course the compiled-in ressource file has the ReadOnly-flag set - nobody is supposed to change a compiled-in ressource, and it is not possible either. But I was simply not aware that the ReadOnly-flag also would be set for a file that was copied from ressources. Maybe this is something you could include in the documentation about QRessources? Would have helped me a lot :)
Well it was a tricky one as we all thought it was related to the db. :)Funny enough , its very much same situation as in old times when you copy files from a cdrom to some folder.
so maybe its not even really Qt related but an OS thing. I wonder if same would happen in linux.