QWidget::repaint: Recursive repaint detected
I use a QWidget in a Qthread and I had to modify the image in a Qlabel of multiple object.
The problem is when I modify the image inside the Qlabel the update of image works bad.I ha to use repaint fonction to force th label to update regulary the display. But most of the time I have this error:
QWidget::repaint: Recursive repaint detected
How Can I force a update of the label without create a recursive repaint?
One thing that is wrong here: updating widgets outside the GUI thread is a no go.
What exactly are you doing ?
@SGaist In fact I have a blocking process, this is the reason why I must put a partof my process in a Qthread.
That Qthread process had to update a list a Qlabel image and display it. The problem if I don't use repaint event the label doesn't refresh dynamically, it waits the last image to update its content.So I use repaint and to avoid a recursive repaint error I made that:
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { qDebug() << "GLWidget::paintEvent In"; if(!paintingActive()) QWidget::paintEvent(event); qDebug() << "GLWidget::paintEvent Out"; }
But it don't seems to work, I still have the same error.
Again: don't do GUI changes to widgets from other threads
Use signals and slots to update your labels, you may need a class like QSignalMapper. Depending on how you get/generate the images, the Mandelbrot example would likely be useful.
Did you read the class documentation ? It doesn't work like that.
Anyway, can you describe more precisely your setup ?
How should I emit a signal from a QThread?
Here is the code I use:
class BGEPreviewWorker : public QObject { QHash<QString,GLWidget*> hashWidgetView; ///< list of display data Q_OBJECT int iwidth_; ///< memorise the with of element to process int iheight_; ///< memorise the height of element to process cv::Mat dx1_blur1; double min,max; QHash<QString,GLWidget*> hashWidgetView; ///< list of display data public: BGEPreviewWorker(QObject *parent = NULL); ~BGEPreviewWorker(); /// /// \brief display function which collct all data in the gpu and display it /// void display(); public slots: void work(); void askToClosed(QString); signals: }; BGEPreviewWorker::BGEPreviewWorker(QObject *parent): QObject(parent), iwidth_(1920), iheight_(1080), bIsRunning_(false), bIsInitialised_(false) { dx1_blur1.create(iheight_,iwidth_,CV_64F); hashWidgetView["save_Blur1"] = new GLWidget(iwidth_,iheight_,GLWidget::BGE_64F,0); QHash<QString,GLWidget*>::iterator iter = hashWidgetView.begin(); for(int i = 0; i<hashWidgetView.size(); i++) { connect(this,SIGNAL(newImage(ImageUpdater)),((iter+i)).value(),SLOT(newImage(ImageUpdater))); (iter+i).value()->show() } }
BGEPreviewWorker emit a signal (newImage) to the corresponding GLWirdget.
Here how I use BGEPreviewWorker:BGEPreviewWorker *BGEWork = new BGEPreviewWorker(); QThread* BGEThread = new QThread(); BGEWork->moveToThread(BGEThread); connect(BGEThread, SIGNAL(started()), BGEWork, SLOT(work()) );