Static link of cryptopp lib to Qt-app
Hi guys,
I want to use cryptopp in one of my projects. As I don't want to use a dll for security reasons, I have to compile cryptopp into my application.
I thought to compile a lib from visual studio and add it as a static lib to my Qt-project.
Unfortunately Qt gives me linker errorscryptlib.lib(cryptlib.obj):-1: error: LNK2038: mismatch detected for 'RuntimeLibrary': value 'MTd_StaticDebug' doesn't match value 'MDd_DynamicDebug' in main.obj
I'm using the windows binaries of Qt so it's probably built with /MD
Is it even possible to statically add a lib in my Qt-version without recompiling Qt with /MT ?CU
mts -
AFAIK, no, however you can build cryptopp statically while still linking to the dynamic runtime, then you'll be able to link it to your Qt application.
I was able to compile 64 bit MSVC 2017 cryptopp v700 using the following pro file.
Note: static library using MDd & MD cxx flags which will solve your original issue, LNK2038 mismatch.TEMPLATE = lib TARGET = cryptopp INCLUDEPATH += . CONFIG -= qt CONFIG += staticlib CONFIG -= debug_and_release debug_and_release_target LIBS += -lws2_32 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG += /MDd QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += /MD win32: DESTDIR = ./ OBJECTS_DIR = ./.obj MOC_DIR = ./.moc RCC_DIR = ./.qrc UI_DIR = ./.ui # Input HEADERS += 3way.h \ adler32.h \ adv-simd.h \ aes.h \ algebra.h \ algparam.h \ arc4.h \ argnames.h \ aria.h \ asn.h \ authenc.h \ base32.h \ base64.h \ basecode.h \ blake2.h \ blowfish.h \ blumshub.h \ camellia.h \ cast.h \ cbcmac.h \ ccm.h \ chacha.h \ channels.h \ cmac.h \ config.h \ cpu.h \ crc.h \ cryptlib.h \ default.h \ des.h \ dh.h \ dh2.h \ dll.h \ dmac.h \ drbg.h \ dsa.h \ eax.h \ ec2n.h \ eccrypto.h \ ecp.h \ ecpoint.h \ elgamal.h \ emsa2.h \ eprecomp.h \ esign.h \ factory.h \ fhmqv.h \ files.h \ filters.h \ fips140.h \ fltrimpl.h \ gcm.h \ gf256.h \ gf2_32.h \ gf2n.h \ gfpcrypt.h \ gost.h \ gzip.h \ hashfwd.h \ hex.h \ hkdf.h \ hmac.h \ hmqv.h \ hrtimer.h \ ida.h \ idea.h \ integer.h \ iterhash.h \ kalyna.h \ keccak.h \ lubyrack.h \ luc.h \ mars.h \ md2.h \ md4.h \ md5.h \ mdc.h \ mersenne.h \ misc.h \ modarith.h \ modes.h \ modexppc.h \ mqueue.h \ mqv.h \ naclite.h \ nbtheory.h \ network.h \ nr.h \ oaep.h \ oids.h \ osrng.h \ ossig.h \ padlkrng.h \ panama.h \ pch.h \ pkcspad.h \ poly1305.h \ polynomi.h \ ppc-simd.h \ pssr.h \ pubkey.h \ pwdbased.h \ queue.h \ rabin.h \ randpool.h \ rc2.h \ rc5.h \ rc6.h \ rdrand.h \ resource.h \ rijndael.h \ ripemd.h \ rng.h \ rsa.h \ rw.h \ safer.h \ salsa.h \ scrypt.h \ seal.h \ secblock.h \ seckey.h \ seed.h \ serpent.h \ serpentp.h \ sha.h \ sha3.h \ shacal2.h \ shark.h \ simon.h \ simple.h \ siphash.h \ skipjack.h \ sm3.h \ sm4.h \ smartptr.h \ socketft.h \ sosemanuk.h \ speck.h \ square.h \ stdcpp.h \ strciphr.h \ tea.h \ threefish.h \ tiger.h \ trap.h \ trdlocal.h \ trunhash.h \ ttmac.h \ tweetnacl.h \ twofish.h \ vmac.h \ wait.h \ wake.h \ whrlpool.h \ winpipes.h \ words.h \ xtr.h \ xtrcrypt.h \ zdeflate.h \ zinflate.h \ zlib.h SOURCES += 3way.cpp \ adler32.cpp \ algebra.cpp \ algparam.cpp \ arc4.cpp \ aria-simd.cpp \ aria.cpp \ ariatab.cpp \ asn.cpp \ authenc.cpp \ base32.cpp \ base64.cpp \ basecode.cpp \ bfinit.cpp \ blake2-simd.cpp \ blake2.cpp \ blowfish.cpp \ blumshub.cpp \ camellia.cpp \ cast.cpp \ casts.cpp \ cbcmac.cpp \ ccm.cpp \ chacha.cpp \ channels.cpp \ cmac.cpp \ cpu.cpp \ crc-simd.cpp \ crc.cpp \ cryptlib.cpp \ default.cpp \ des.cpp \ dessp.cpp \ dh.cpp \ dh2.cpp \ dll.cpp \ dsa.cpp \ eax.cpp \ ec2n.cpp \ eccrypto.cpp \ ecp.cpp \ elgamal.cpp \ emsa2.cpp \ eprecomp.cpp \ esign.cpp \ files.cpp \ filters.cpp \ fips140.cpp \ gcm-simd.cpp \ gcm.cpp \ gf256.cpp \ gf2_32.cpp \ gf2n.cpp \ gfpcrypt.cpp \ gost.cpp \ gzip.cpp \ hex.cpp \ hmac.cpp \ hrtimer.cpp \ ida.cpp \ idea.cpp \ integer.cpp \ iterhash.cpp \ kalyna.cpp \ kalynatab.cpp \ keccak.cpp \ luc.cpp \ mars.cpp \ marss.cpp \ md2.cpp \ md4.cpp \ md5.cpp \ misc.cpp \ modes.cpp \ mqueue.cpp \ mqv.cpp \ nbtheory.cpp \ neon-simd.cpp \ network.cpp \ oaep.cpp \ osrng.cpp \ padlkrng.cpp \ panama.cpp \ pch.cpp \ pkcspad.cpp \ poly1305.cpp \ polynomi.cpp \ ppc-simd.cpp \ pssr.cpp \ pubkey.cpp \ queue.cpp \ rabin.cpp \ randpool.cpp \ rc2.cpp \ rc5.cpp \ rc6.cpp \ rdrand.cpp \ rdtables.cpp \ rijndael-simd.cpp \ rijndael.cpp \ ripemd.cpp \ rng.cpp \ rsa.cpp \ rw.cpp \ safer.cpp \ salsa.cpp \ scrypt.cpp \ seal.cpp \ seed.cpp \ serpent.cpp \ sha-simd.cpp \ sha.cpp \ sha3.cpp \ shacal2-simd.cpp \ shacal2.cpp \ shark.cpp \ sharkbox.cpp \ simon-simd.cpp \ simon.cpp \ simple.cpp \ skipjack.cpp \ sm3.cpp \ sm4.cpp \ socketft.cpp \ sosemanuk.cpp \ speck-simd.cpp \ speck.cpp \ square.cpp \ squaretb.cpp \ sse-simd.cpp \ strciphr.cpp \ tea.cpp \ tftables.cpp \ threefish.cpp \ tiger.cpp \ tigertab.cpp \ trdlocal.cpp \ ttmac.cpp \ tweetnacl.cpp \ twofish.cpp \ vmac.cpp \ wait.cpp \ wake.cpp \ whrlpool.cpp \ winpipes.cpp \ xtr.cpp \ xtrcrypt.cpp \ zdeflate.cpp \ zinflate.cpp \ zlib.cpp = ML64 ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} ml64.input = ASM_FILES ml64.variable_out = OBJECTS ml64.commands = ML64 /c ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} /Fo ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} ml64.output = ${QMAKE_VAR_OBJECTS_DIR}${QMAKE_FILE_IN_BASE}$${first(QMAKE_EXT_OBJ)} ml64.CONFIG += target_predeps QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += ml64 ASM_FILES += \ x64dll.asm \ x64masm.asm